Report Operators
Operators determine the type of search you can perform for each report criteria. These values will change based on the data type of the search field you’re dealing with.
Blank - will pull records with nothing populated for this criteria. An example: Bill Smith does not have a account login ID. If the operator for Account Login ID was set to "BLANK", it would pull Bill Smith and everyone else who has nothing populated in that field on their account.
Not Blank- the opposite of the above. This will pull everyone who DOES have data filled in for a particular field.
Equal - this brings up people with the particular value you specify in the corresponding dropdown or text-box to the right of the EQUAL operator. Set DOB Month EQUAL to January and it will bring up everyone who was born in January. Set Account Creation Date EQUAL to 01/01/2010 to bring up everyone who created an account on January 1st of 2010. Set Gender EQUAL to Male to bring up every male who has a gender populated in their account.
Not Equal
- If we were instead to set Gender NOT EQUAL to Male, it would bring up everyone who had any gender populated except Male. You can use this operator to weed out specific instances of people who fit certain criteria. Setting State NOT EQUAL to Virginia would bring up everyone except people who live in Virginia.
In Range Of - despite what you might think, "in range of" is not used for date ranges or numerical ranges. "In range of" allows you to use this logic: "give me records who qualify for any of the values in this range of criteria. The "range" is set via a popup checkbox, which will appear like this:
This is what you'd see if the field you're searching on has a lot of options. The value selector will show up to 50 options at a time, but you can scroll through the groups of 50 to find the option(s) you need.
If you know which option(s) you're looking for, you can start typing the name into the search box. Neon will immediately narrow down the list for you based on your entry:
- You can also use In Range Of to search for a list of text values. For example, if we wanted to bring up a report of people residing within a certain set of cities, we could do in range of for the City criteria and it'd bring up a text box that would allow you to enter comma separated values:
Note that the values we enter have no spaces before or after commas. Only a comma separates each value.
- Not In Range Of – Similar to ‘in range of’, this allows you to filter out a range of people who match certain criteria. The Not In Range Of functionality works to pull records that do not have any of the values you specify in your range filled in. For example, Searching Not In Range Of Chicago or Oak Park will return accounts that have addresses cities other than those two.
Containing – The “containing” criteria allows you to query a string of text to see if it contains a certain sequence of characters. For example, in a report, were I to include the criteria “containing -> ‘Jo’” for “First Name”, like this:
It would generate everyone in the database who has a First Name containing a sequence of characters matching J-o:
- Greater Than, Less Than – These two operators allow you to search for field data that is greater or less than the alphabetic value, numeric value or date you specify. Please note! All dates within the reporting module must be presented in MM/DD/YYYY format – two digit month, followed by the two digit day, followed by the four digit year.
This would bring up all accounts created after 01/01/2010.
On or after 01/01/2010 would be the same, only we’d use the “Greater and Equal” operator.
Note that you can use the calendar on any date field and plug in the date with a single click instead of manually typing it in.
Here is an example of Less and Equal, which uses the same principle as the Greater and Equal operator. This would bring up every record in the system with an account ID number that is equal to 1,000 or less.
- Advanced- This is a very powerful operator which allows you to specify both date ranges and number ranges. In the following example, we will utilize the advanced filter to bring up multiple operators within the same criteria. Setting DOB Year to Advanced will look like this:
Now, you can set multiple expressions for our criteria. A range will usually consist of two expressions, so click Add Advanced Criterion so that you have two expressions with two operators set, as shown here:
What's going on here is that for DOB Year, we are specifying an actual range - for numbers that are between the values Greater & Equal to 1960 and Less & Equal to 1985, pull those results. Submitting this will give you birth years on or between 1960 and 1985.
Another example for dates:
This would pull all memberships that expire between the dates 01/01/2015 and 12/31/2015, the full year of 2015. Please remember that dates must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.