Your constituents have the ability to log in to NeonCRM using Facebook or X. Once a constituent has authorized Facebook or X login, they will always be able to access that account using this instead of a standard NeonCRM login name and password. A constituent cannot create two Neon accounts using the same Facebook or X login.
A constituent only has to give authorization for Neon to use their X/Facebook once. After that, when they click the link to sign in with Facebook or X, they will be automatically logged in to their Neon account.
The standard Neon fields "Facebook Page" and "X Page", are available for Individual Accounts only.
Adding Facebook and X Profile Fields as a System User
If not used for login by the constituent, the social media fields on an Individual account can be populated by a User to provide a link to the constituent's social media page. When editing an individual account, a system user can manually enter a constituent's Facebook and X profile pages to their account for your own use. If you manually add X or Facebook profile pages to an account, you are NOT connecting their NeonCRM account login to the constituent's social media login. You are simply tracking their profile page.
When you edit an account, you can type in the name of their profile page under Personal.
Only include the portion of their page link that follows or
Once saved, his account detail page will display their pages as hyperlinks. The Facebook Page and X Page names are clickable links to the constituent's social media page. These will open their social media page in a new tab.
Q: Can I turn it off?
A: Yes. You can enable/disable this feature at Settings cog Global Settings -> Constituent Portal -> Third-Party Login.
Q: Can anybody besides Individual Accounts use Facebook/X login?
A: No. Users and Company accounts cannot use Facebook/X login.
Q: What happens if an existing constituent decides to use Facebook/X login instead of their normal NeonCRM login?
A: A new account will be created. A staff user can merge these accounts together using our Duplicate Scan. Both the merged constituent's NeonCRM login and their Facebook/X login will continue to work.
Q: What happens if the same constituent uses two different Facebook accounts to log in?
A: Two different accounts will be created. If a System User merges the accounts, the most recently created Facebook login will be kept.
Q: Can a constituent link their Facebook/X login to their existing NeonCRM login?
A: Unfortunately, no. The only way to add a Facebook/X login to an existing NeonCRM login to an existing account would be to have the constituent create a new account, and then a System User can merge the two accounts.
Q. How can I see which accounts have logged in using this feature?
A. The Mailing Report, All Accounts Report, and Email Audience Report have criteria and columns to search for and display accounts that have data in the Facebook Page and X Page fields.
Q. Can Users edit an account's social media information if it was used for login?
A. No. If a constituent has filled it out, the Facebook or X Page field will be populated and disabled. A User cannot edit or delete this information, nor can they access the social media page by clicking on it.