Guidelines for Finding Duplicates, Converting, and Deleting Accounts
When you are consolidating accounts in NeonCRM, please be aware that:
- You cannot convert an account if that individual is a volunteer, a social fundraiser, or if they have a household or employment history.
- You cannot convert a company account whose primary contact has their own individual account.
- You cannot delete an account that has account relationships (households or contacts/employment history).
- If you delete an account that has any social fundraising pages, those pages will also be deleted. Any donations or event registrations that were credited to the social fundraiser will not be deleted, but the social fundraiser credit will be removed.
- You cannot merge an account into an account that is a Solicitor. The Solicitor account must be the Main Account.
- You cannot merge an account into another account while the constituent is logged in. You must cancel the merge or choose the logged-in account as the Main account.
- If a constituent creates a duplicate account from an online payment form and the payment is declined, there will be a 5-minute waiting period after account creation in which you will not be able to merge the new duplicate with an existing account, to give the constituent time to re-attempt payment.
For more information on duplicate account management, see the following article: Duplicate Scans.
Deleting Accounts
To delete a Neon account, open the Actions Menu at the top of the account page and select Delete Account.
When you try to delete an account that has at least one relationship or any associated transactions, an error message will pop up to explain why the deletion as unsuccessful, as shown in the example below.
When you see a message like the above example, you can do either of the following:
- Click Super Delete to remove all relationships and transactions immediately and delete the account; or
- Click X in the top right corner to go back to the account page. From here, you can review the relationships and/or transactions and delete them manually if you still wish to do this. Once you have removed all obstacles, you will be able to delete the account itself.
Deleting an account with transactions & relationships (super delete)
If you want to delete an account and all transactions on that account, you are able to do so by following the steps below. There are multiple steps involved to protect users from any errant deletion of accounts, plus administrators will be able to see which staff user deleted an account using the Action Log.
Upon selecting the Delete option from the Action Menu at the top of the account page, you will see an error message if the account has any household relationships or if any transactions are associated with it.
The error message will show you all of the data on this account that will be deleted if you continue with the account deletion.
If you wish to continue with the deletion, click Super Delete. This will open a confirmation pop-up window. The confirmation message restates that all data associated with the account will be deleted, including transactions. The user is then required to manually type the word DELETE (in all caps) into the confirmation box before continuing with deletion.
If you still wish to super delete the account, type DELETE into the space provided and click Delete Account.
You will then be returned to your All Accounts list page (Accounts Accounts).
Converting Accounts
Sometimes it happens that an account that was created in your system as an Individual should really be a Company account, or vice versa. You can convert account types by opening the Actions Menu for that account and selecting Convert to Company or Convert to Individual, depending upon the type of original account with which you are working.
If the account is an Individual, it will be converted to a Company with the individual's Company Name as the company's name, and the individual as the company's primary contact.
If the account is a Company, it will be converted to an Individual with the primary contact's name as the individual's name and the company name as the individual's current employer.
Sometimes the Convert option is greyed out, however, and the conversion cannot be performed. In these cases, hover your cursor over the option to see a tooltip indicating why this action cannot be completed.
To proceed with the conversion, remove any linked accounts and delete any assigned projects or social fundraising pages that appear under the following account sections:
- Household Contacts
- Volunteer Projects
- Peer-to-peer Fundraising
- Employment History
You can then go back to the Action Menu and the Convert to Company option should now be visible.
If you're converting a company to an individual and the company has more than one company contact:
A new Individual account will be created for each contact on the list that has a first and last name.
A company cannot be converted if their primary contact is already linked to an individual account and/or it is the parent of a company group membership. You will instead receive the following tooltip:
To proceed with the conversion, you must do the following:
- Delete any group membership terms or change them to a non group membership level; and/or
- Change the primary contact, as detailed in the next section of this guide.
Converting Contact Records
System users can convert the contact record of any company or household contact to an Individual Account if they don't already have one. To do this, open the Actions Menu of the contact in the Company (or Household) Contacts section of the account and select Convert to Individual Account.
Removing the Company Primary Contact
If the company primary contact is an Individual Account, then you will need to remove the link between the two Neon accounts in order to merge, convert, or delete. To do this, you can set a new Company Contact Record that is not a Neon account as the primary contact.
Open the Company Contacts section of the company account and click New Company Contact.
Complete the New Company Contact form as needed. You can leave the name fields blank if you don't want a specific person to be named as the primary contact.
Now you can set the blank contact as the Primary contact.
Once you set the new primary contact, you can remove the relationship with the individual account by selecting Delete Contact from the Actions menu.
If the contact you wish to remove is a sub member in the company's Group Membership, you will be able to remove the contact, but any active or future memberships will be set to expire on the current date. The individual will retain their membership history but will no longer be eligible for sub membership in the group.
If the contact you wish to remove is associated with any of the transactions on the company's account, you will receive a notice when you try to remove it.
You will see a list of all transactions associated with this contact, and an option to assign those transactions to any of the remaining contacts, or to leave it blank and have the transaction assigned to no contact.
Click Assign and Delete to proceed with removing the company contact relationship. You can now convert, merge, or delete the previously linked accounts as needed.