Multiple Actions
You can create a Workflow that performs more than one action based on the same trigger and conditions. Actions can be added to your Workflow by clicking the Add Action button at the bottom of your Actions list...
...or by clicking the plus sign button in between existing actions
Select the new action to be added to your Workflow...
...add any settings or criteria as necessary, and save it. All actions in the list will now be applied to the target records when the Workflow is triggered.
Time Delays
Time Delays are a type of action that just places a buffer of time between the trigger and an action, or between one action and another.
For example, we have created a Workflow in which a donation of $100 or more will perform 2 actions: marking the account as a Favorite for a particular system user, and sending a personal thank you email from the ED. However, the personal thank you is meant to be in addition to the standard email acknowledgment that the donor would have received when the transaction was processed. For maximum impact (and so the donor doesn't discard one of these emails as a duplicate), we've decided to delay the personal thank you by 2 days.
To do this, we click the Plus sign button in between the "Mark as Favorite" action (which we do want to happen immediately) and the "Send External Email" action:
We then choose "Add Time Delay" as our action:
We then set a delay of 2 days after which the remaining Workflow actions should continue:
Now, our Workflow looks like this:
If-Then Actions
This type of action allows you to specify one of two possible actions to perform at this step of the Workflow, depending on the answer to a Yes or No question.
In this example, we've created a Workflow specifically targeted at Company registrants for our upcoming Symposium event. Based on how many people each company is sending to our Symposium (i.e., the total amount of their registration,) we will create one of two different types of Prospect on that company's account.
To do this, we add an If/Then Branch action to the Workflow:
We will then be asked to specify the criteria by which we determine which type of prospect is created on each target record. In this case, we have set a threshold of $2500 for the total event registration amount.
When we add it, the If/Then action will split the action sequence into two possible branches: one if the answer to the If/Then question is Yes, and another if it is No.
We can then tell the Workflow what unique action to perform under either circumstance.