Create a Campaign Letter
If you would like to create a letter, identify the recipients, merge the recipients' information with the letter, and track your progress toward sending out the printed mailing in Neon CRM, use a Campaign Letter.
To create a campaign letter:
1) Select Letters in the navigation menu and then select Campaign Letters & Tracking on the drop-down menu.
2) Select New Letter and then select Campaign Letter on the drop-down menu.
The Letter Builder now displays (as seen below). In the Letter Name & Settings section:
3) Enter a Letter Name (required).
4) Enter a Code (optional).
5) Enter an Inventory number (optional). The number of letters available to be sent.
6) Enter a Description (optional).
7) Select Save when all applicable information has been entered.
In the Content section of the Letter Builder:
1) Select Add Content.
2) Select an applicable letter template and then select Continue.
You now see three menu icons on the left side of the page, as seen below.
The top icon is the Letter Themes page. On this page you may select your letter's theme. The theme is the "wrapper" for your content. For more information on Letter Themes, see Creating a Letter Theme.
The middle icon is the Content page. On this page you may drag and drop elements, such as a page break, image, or transaction summary onto your letter (per the image below).
The bottom icon is the Settings page. On this page, you may make adjustments to the font, header and footer heights, background colors, and margins.
When you have made all adjustments per the three pages described above:
3) Select Save & Close in the upper right corner.
On the next page:
4) Select Save Campaign Letter in the lower right corner.
You now see the letter's overview page.
Add Recipients
You may add recipients to a letter in two ways, 1) via a report, or 2) via a constituent search. Both options are explained below.
Add Recipients via a Report
To add recipients via a report, in the Campaign Letter Recipients section at the bottom of the campaign letter overview page:
1) Select Add and then select Add From Report on the drop-down menu.
On the Add From Report pop-up, select a report type. Once you have made your selection, select Continue.
This brings up the reporting module. Use the filters as in a report to find the group of constituents you want to add, then click Run Report.
When you have the results of running your report, to add the group to your recipient list, click Add All to Material/Letter Tracking.
Add Recipients via a Constituent Search
To add recipients via a constituent search, in the Campaign Letter Recipients section at the bottom of the campaign letter overview page:
1) Select Add and then select Search Accounts on the drop-down menu.
On the Add Account pop-up, search for and add accounts as needed.
Print the Letters
Once you have added your recipients to the Campaign Letter Recipients section, you can complete the mail merge and print out their letters. You can print letters for recipients who are in the Pending or Processing statuses. To do so:
1) Select the checkbox(es) next to the recipients for whom you wish to print letters (you may select all recipients by selecting the checkbox in the top left corner of the section.
2) When you select recipients, several options appear (as outlined in red in the image below). Select Preview & Print.
In a new browser tab, the Preview and Print page will open (as seen below).
While you can review the letters on this page, we strongly recommend you use your web browser's Print Preview to review letters. Your browser's Print Preview will provide a much more accurate representation of how the letters will look before you print.
- If you are using Chrome or Microsoft Edge, you can click the Print button to see a print preview.
- If you are using Firefox, you will not see a Print button. Instead, you will be provided instructions on how to get to the Print Preview.
The Download Addresses button allows you to download a CSV or Excel file that includes the mailing addresses for each recipient in the mail merge. You can use this file as a basis for making mailing labels or printing envelopes using Microsoft Word.
When you have printed the material, select Mark As Complete to enter the date of printing and sending of the letters.