For each type of System Email (i.e. Donation Appreciation), you can create multiple Versions. One version must be set as the default. However, you can also create Conditions to send different versions depending upon different circumstances. The default version will be sent when no conditions have been created, or no conditions have been met. Conditions are available for the following System Emails:
- Donation Appreciation
- Event Registration*
- Membership Registration
- Membership Renewal/Auto Renewal
- Membership Due/Overdue
- Event Reminder
Setting Conditions
First, you must create a version that you wish to use for your condition. A full guide on System Email Versions is available here.
Once you have built your new version, you can create a condition to tell Neon when to send that version. To do this, go to Global Settings cog Global Settings Communications Transaction Acknowledgements System Emails, then select View Settings & Versions next to the email type that you want to set the condition for.
Then, in the Conditions section, select New Email Condition. This will display the New Condition page.
First, enter the name of your condition. This is internal and will not be shared with your constituents.
Next, select the version that you wish to send for this condition. Note that this list will only include versions marked ready to send.
Finally, set the condition under which this version should be sent. In this case, we want the NeonCRM Standard Version to be sent when a donation under $100 is made.
If you select multiple items here, all rules must be met for this condition to be met. In the example below, the selected version will send when a donation is under $100 and it is for the Campaign called Annual Giving.
Click Submit to save your condition. On the System Email: Donation Appreciation page, you will see your saved condition along with the criteria being used for it.
Setting a "Do Not Send" condition
Note that you can also tell Neon not to send an email when the condition is met by selecting Do not send email for this special condition in Step 2.
If you select this option, any transaction that meets the condition(s) you set will generate no system email.
Adjusting Condition Precedence
Because you may set up as many conditions for a single System Email as you like, it is possible for a constituent to meet more than one condition with a single action. For example:
- Condition A is for donations under $100;
- Condition B is for donations to the Jazz Festival campaign.
If a constituent donates $50 to the Jazz Festival campaign, they meet both conditions. However, Neon will only send one system email per transaction.
So that Neon knows which one to send, you can arrange your list of conditions in order of precedence, high to low. To do this, select Edit Precedence of Conditions in the Conditions section.
Use the arrows next to the list to set the priority order of conditions. In this case, if we want to send all Jazz Festival donors a special acknowledgment no matter what the gift amount, we should set that condition above the other one.