Note: This guide refers to legacy events only.
Learn about the many features on the Event Detail page in this help guide.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Event Detail Page
Event Reports
Web Links
Event Custom Fields
Event Sessions
Ticket Prices
Event Resources
Event Waiver Statement
Event Projects
Customize Online Registration Form
Event Detail Page
Once the your basic Event has been created, Neon CRM will display an Event Detail page. From here, you can access information about your event, run reports, and enable other event features. When configuring your events, you will need to be on this page.
The Event Detail page includes the following sections:
- Basic Information
- Event Description
- Financial Settings
- Event Location
- Front End Settings
- Event Custom Fields
- Event Sessions
- Ticket Prices
- Event Resource/Equipment
- Event Waiver Statement
- Event Project
- Customize Online Event Registration Form
Event Reports
The Event Reports are useful quick reports about your event, and are found in the upper-right corner of the event detail page.
- This is the number of attendees currently registered for the event. If you click on the number, it will display a full list of registered attendees.
- If you click Register, you are taken to a page where you can manually register a constituent.
- Clicking on the number by Waiting List will display a full list of people currently on the waiting list.
- The Attendee List report gives you the details on everyone who has been signed up for the event. These two are different because one person could register additional people at the same time.
- Clicking Mark Attendance gives you a list of attendees where you can check a box next to each name to indicate that they attended this event.
- The Registration Report runs a query on anyone who has registered for the event.
Web Links
The two links at the bottom are URLs you can copy and paste to an email to direct people to this page. Clicking on Check will show you what this page would look like to someone clicking on your button or hyperlink to this page. The Event Registration Form link will take users to a basic NeonCRM registration screen where they can register for this event. Click on Check next to this link to see what the Event Registration page looks like.
These are the actual links to your event page and your event registration form. You may distribute them in emails, or link to them from your website.
Event Custom Fields & Standard Attendee Fields
You can create custom fields that collect constituent information on your registration forms. Event custom fields are enabled per event, so you can add them to specific events.
Add event custom fields to an event by clicking the Event Custom Fields button.
The page has two sections of fields:
- The top section Select System Defined Fields lists all standard Neon fields available to use to collect attendee data. These are attendee fields, which means they will appear on the second page of registration when the attendee information is collected. The First Name, Last Name, and Email fields will be selected by default when you create a new event.
- The bottom section Select Event Custom Fields lists all of your event custom fields and tells you if they are designated as attendee questions.
Any standard attendee fields you add to this event will be optional by default. Click Set Required for each standard attendee field to make this required information for all attendees.
Click Reorder Display Sequence to determine the location of Attendee Questions on the attendee page of online registration. Fields not designated as Attendee Fields are arranged by clicking the "Configure Event Registration Form" button.
Event Sessions
Sessions are optional add-ons to your event.
Ticket Prices
If you want to create many different admission fees for your event, you'll need to create Ticket Prices.
Event Resources
The Event Resources section lets you make notes of equipment or resources that you need for your event. These notes are for your internal use only.
Event Waiver Statement
If your event has some sort of liability waiver or agreement, it can be added here. These are typically used for physical events or media releases. On the registration form, the registrant will see the waiver statement with a checkbox that they must fill in order to proceed. If a constituent does not agree to the waiver statement, they cannot register for the event.
To add a waiver statement, click New Waiver Statement.
Add any content you like. Ideally, it will include a description of the terms and conditions the registrant is agreeing to. When enabled for an event, the registrant is required to agree to the Event Waiver Statement in order to proceed - so you know that every registrant checked the box agreeing to the terms you have written here. Click Submit when finished.
If you need to modify or remove an existing waiver statement, you can Edit or Delete a waiver statement.
The waiver statement will appear at the bottom of your event registration form, as shown in the example below.
System users that are registering on a constituent's behalf are also required to agree to the waiver statement. The Event Waiver Statement will be required on both the front-end and back-end versions of your event registration form. If you are registering someone from the back-end of Neon (i.e. they sent you a check in the mail), you will still need to check the Waiver Statement box in order to complete the registration.
Event Projects
Event Projects are a great way to let your constituents sign up to work at your events. You can create projects that work with NeonCRM's Volunteers module.
To add a project to your event, go to Volunteer Projects and click New Project:
Enter the project details and make sure to leave the Available Online option set to Yes.
Selecting this option will generate the Project Sign Up Page Link where all projects that you've made available online for this event will be listed.
To make this page available for constituents, copy this link and place it anywhere you like. For example, you might add it to your website, send it in a campaign email, or add it to your event content page or the constituent login portal.
Customize Online Event Registration Form
You can add content at the top and bottom of your online event forms by customizing the header and footer here.
Click Edit next to any page and you will be taken to the WYSIWYG editor. Here you can enter text, images, links, etc.
- The following header text that appears on the Attendee page: "Please provide information about the people who will be attending this event."
- The following header text that appears on Registration Summary page: "Please review your registration information before proceeding to the payment page."