Bulk Edit or Delete Accounts is a powerful function in NeonCRM, which can be used to edit account information for many accounts at once.
Edit Fields In Multiple Accounts
1) Click on the gear icon in the top navigation menu, and then click on Global Settings in the menu which next appears.
2) Click on Bulk Edit or Delete Accounts under the Bulk Operations section.
3) Enter your criteria in the dialog (you must include at least one search group or the report will not run), then click Load Criteria.
4) To check that you have the correct accounts, edit the output columns to add any fields you wish to check (such as email address). You can also add any fields that contain data you wish to examine before you change them. Once you’re done, click Run Report at the top.
5) On the results page, click Bulk Operation and select either All Accounts or Current Page.
“All Accounts” means all accounts in the report, up to the stated maximum. “Current Page” selects only the accounts you can see on the current page of the report.
6) On the next page, clear any checkboxes for records you do not wish to update, then click Confirm Accounts.
7) Select Edit Account Data, then click Next.
8) On the Configure Operation – Edit Account Data page, locate the fields you would like to edit and enter their new values. Fields for are grouped by type: fields for individuals, companies, or for all accounts.
Scroll down the page until you find the field you want to change. Click the checkbox to the left and select the value you want. Do this for any and all fields you want to change.
9) Scroll back to the top and click Next.
10) On the Confirm Operation - Edit Account Data page, make sure that the specified data changes and the accounts to be changed are correct, then click Confirm and Perform Bulk Edit.
11) You will get a pop-up dialog box. Once you are sure, click OK.
12) On a successful edit, you will be taken to the Operation Complete page, as shown below. From here, you can perform another bulk operation, or return to system settings.
Clear Field Data In Multiple Accounts
Follow steps 1-6 of the above section (How to edit fields in multiple accounts).
7) Select Edit Account Data, then click Next.
8) On the Configure Operation – Edit Account Data page, scroll down, looking for the field you want to change. Click the checkbox next to the field in question, but do not select a value. Do this for any and all fields you want to clear.
9) Scroll back to the top and click Next.
10) On the next page, make sure that the specified data changes and the accounts to be edited are correct, then click Confirm and Perform Bulk Edit.
11) You will get a pop-up dialog box. Once you are sure, click OK. This will perform the mass overwrite.
Delete Multiple Accounts
If an account has a social fundraising page, it cannot be deleted through this feature until the social fundraising page is removed.
Follow steps 1-6 of the above section (How to edit fields in multiple accounts).
7) Select Delete Accounts, then click Next.
8) On the next page, confirm that you wish to go through with the operation, then click Confirm and Delete Accounts.
9) You will get a pop-up dialog box. Once you are sure, click OK.
10) On a successful deletion, you will get the following page, summarizing which accounts were deleted and which were not (and why). From here, you can perform another bulk operation, or return to system settings.