Learn how to use Funds and Purposes in this step-by-step guide.
Recommended Reading Before Your Start
Campaigns are the most important allocation vehicle for donations & event registrations. Typically, a Campaign is used to track how donations come to your organization, such as through a special fundraising event, an annual appeal, or a year-end fundraising drive. Campaigns often have their own online donation form on which constituents may donate to the Campaign. Additionally, when you create an online campaign donation form, you may allow constituents to specify that their donation be applied to a specific Fund and/or Purpose in your organization as part of the Campaign. Both Funds and Purposes are explained below.
Funds are larger efforts than Campaigns or Purposes. The most common Funds are Restricted, Unrestricted, and Endowment (if applicable). For example, you could have three or four campaigns that all contribute to your Unrestricted Fund.
To set up a Fund:
1. Select the Settings cog and then select Global Settings on the drop-down menu.
2. Select Funds under the Allocation sub-heading under the main Payments & Transactions heading.
3. On the Funds page, select Add New Fund.
4. Specify the Fund Name. The remaining fields are optional. Code and Start Date are used for internal tracking purposes only. In most cases, the Status will be Active. See the next step regarding the Mark as Default option.
5. If you wish all monies collected by your organization to automatically apply to this Fund, unless otherwise specified, select the Mark as Default option to Yes. Select Submit when all applicable information has been entered.
The new fund will now appear on the Funds page. This Fund will also be available to choose to include on donation forms.
Purposes are a way to flag donations to be used for specific purposes. For example, you may allow constituents to have the option to apply their donation to disaster relief or a new playground construction.
To set up a Purpose:
1. Select the Settings cog and then select Global Settings on the drop-down menu.
2. Select Purposes under the Allocation sub-heading under the main Payments & Transactions heading.
3. On the Purposes page, select Add New Purpose.
4. Specify the Purpose Name. The remaining fields are optional. Code, Super Purpose, and Start Date are used for internal tracking purposes only. In most cases, the Status will be Active. See the next step regarding the Mark as Default option.
5. If you wish all monies collected by your organization to automatically apply to this Purpose, unless otherwise specified, select the Mark as Default option to Yes. Select Submit when all applicable information has been entered.
The new Purpose will not appear on the Purposes page. This Purpose will also be available to choose to include on donation forms.