Subscriptions are setup via the pricing area of the system. In many cases your Client Services Representative will build your pricing for you. If you'd like to learn to set up your own pricing, please submit a request for pricing training.
Subscription setup includes a few steps, once the shows are built into the system that you will be putting into a subscriptions package.
Setup the Package -
From the setup menu, go to the Package Setup screen and build a package, choosing the shows in that package and setting the number of tickets required to achieve the package. Check the box to make this package available via the subscription screens (public and via box office). NOTE that each performance can only be part of one package series.
Setup Performance Series -
From the setup menu, click into Performance Series setup and input each series of performances the patron will be able to choose from. Such as "Series A - First Preview", or "Series C - Opening Night", etc. Then in each series select the specific performances that belong to that series. Each performance can belong to only ONE series.
Setup the Price Terms -
Then you can set up price terms attached to this package. They can be simple or more complex. Note that package tickets are always priced per-ticket. So you could have your base prices already built for single tickets, and then make your subscription price term an adjustment percent discount for the package. So whichever person type is chose, the package discount will take 10% off the standard price. Percentage adjustment is highly recommended for subscription discounts as it automates the adjustment amount from the single ticket base prices. Or you could use based prices, where your package is $100 for 5 shows making the price term might be $20 base price per ticket for the package. (see note below regarding use of base prices for subscription discount.)
CAUTION: If you have different prices for different days of the week, and use base prices for your subscription pricing for each day set, additional setup will be required to enable the patron to be able to later exchange between days of the week. Please contact your Client Services Representative for assistance if needed, and always remember to TEST thoroughly.
For further information on the difference between Subscriptions and Passes visit Subscriptions vs Passes.