Your fees to are determined by your client agreement. Please contact our accounting department if you have questions.
We occasionally get asked why we charge per-ticket and related fees for our client organizations to process comp and box office ticket transactions. The concept is that we are providing an integrated, holistic system and service for your entire patron management operation, giving you invaluable tools to:
- process your ticket, retail and donation transactions
- process transactions from both online and in your box office
- carefully control your inventory for each event or sale item, including paid and comp transactions
- report on all transactions in a moment to moment way, including your free tickets
- collect your complete patron history, facilitating your entire relationship with these patrons, including those that have received free tickets, purchase online and box office, etc.
- easily market to a large group or in carefully targeted ways to your patrons, whether they paid, were comp'd, or utilized a discount
- and more...
In the grand scheme of performing arts administration, marketing, fundraising and operations, you want to be able to effectively manage your patron interactions and relationships as one complete, efficient operation. Comp ticket recipients eventually become ticket buyers. Box office sale patrons later go on to purchase online and print their tickets at home. The interaction between all of these groups is fluid and using the system enables all of these to lead to your overall continued and increased success.
We are in business to provide the best system available at the best price possible. It is an investment in your organization. It enables you to reduce the load on your staff by empowering your administrators and your patrons. And the entire system is part of the service we provide. A comp ticket has its own value to your organization. The benefit you receive by having a record of each comp ticket issued is that it enables you to market to those patrons in the future and convert them to buyers. They may also create future sales for you by recommending to their friends.
We are providing you tools to utilize those comps and box office sales to your advantage, and therefore it is part of the service we provide for a very affordable fee structure. Many of our clients report that the system quickly pays for itself via increased ticket sales!
We are here to help you to succeed. It is our passion and primary goal. Our fees are structured so that if YOU succeed, WE succeed. We value the arts and work to support and uplift them. Thanks for all you do.
For more specific details about how fees apply, please see Fee Explanation - Client & Merchant Account