Scanning using a computer with a USB connected barcode scanner
The Box office > Scan Tickets screen can be used with a barcode scanning device attached to a computer on a USB port.
If you are a larger venue with numerous access points, or perhaps presenting in an outdoor arena or venue, you may wish to look into wireless options for use with laptops or simply use our mobile option.
This overview article lays out the current barcode scanning options compatible with Arts People.
One such product we recommend is the Motorola LS2208 - pictured below. This is a well-made, reliable model. However, you can typically use any linear barcode scanner that connects to your computer through USB.
In order to utilize scanners like these, there must be a computer at each access point of entry with internet access. As you scan tickets it will register the scan on the scanning page, validating the ticket.
NOTE: To properly handle crowd flow before the performance, we recommend 1 computer with a scanner at each access point, with a guideline of 1 for every 100 seats in your venue.
Please make sure your ticket design includes a barcode if you intend to scan tickets. See Ticket Design or talk to support for details.
At many venues, you really don't need to scan your tickets. (Remember that you can use your Door List report or Patron Check-in screen to check in patrons as they enter your venue.) Community performing arts events are rarely the scene in which patrons try to forge tickets or sneak into a show. But some types of events in larger venues may need them logistically. Please talk to us if you will be using barcode scanning so we can help with setup.
To scan tickets using this method, simply log into the system, go to the Scanning screen in the box office area, choose a performance, then scan the barcode. The screen should automatically update in a moment to display the ticket as valid or invalid.