On the lists screen, lists can be added on the left side of the screen at the bottom. Any lists existing in your system will be present on the left side of the screen in alphabetical order. Therefore a strong naming convention is recommended so you can easily find your lists later. Perhaps every lists begins with a user or department name, or perhaps with a standardized starting phrase such as "Tkt Buyers - show name", or "Donors - date range", etc. A consistent way of naming your lists will help you stay organized over time.
Manual creation of a list -
To input a new list, scroll to the bottom left of the screen displaying your saved lists:
- Input the name of the list you wish to create and click save.
- If you wish for the list to be available for public opt in for patrons online, choose the checkbox for public opt -in as well.
- Go to the Person or Organization database screens and either lookup or input a patron account
- Choose the list from the marketing area drop down field you wish to add to that patron record and save.
- This will manually add that patron to your list.
- You can also individually remove a patron from a list at any time using the remove link.
- Note that related household member's lists will cross reference, so be sure you are adding/removing the correct patron to/from the list.
- Checking the box for "entire household" will tell the system to automatically address a postal mailing to the household, even if only the one member of the household is in your output set.