Patron Check-in Screen
- For use at the venue entrance to check-in patrons as they arrive.
- Mark a patron order as checked-in by individual ticket or by entire order.
- Release seats for re-sale, or access the purchase details of the order.
- Hide or show orders that are completely checked in.
- Handles checking-in or out patrons using only their names.
Selecting a performance
1. By default the first upcoming event - or the most recent one within the past six hours - is selected for checking in.
2. To select a different event, click "Choose Performance" to bring up the performance selection modal.
1. By default the first upcoming event - or the most recent one within the past six hours - is selected for checking in.
2. To select a different event, click "Choose Performance" to bring up the performance selection modal.
- Check In - checks in first available seat on that order
- Check In All - checks in all seats on that order
- Release Order - goes to the release order screen where all tickets for that performance on that order can be released.
- A patron's name links to their patron record on Box Office Sales screen.
- Order Details icon located on the far right in the screenshot below goes to the Order Details screen for that order.
- Door Sales links to the Door Sales screen for that performance
- Reservations links to the screen for reservations on this performance
Status Bar
- The status bar expands to offer more options. Each seat is listed including the person type and seat number, allowing a user to individually check-in or out particular seats.
- There are Select All button and Deselect All buttons to check-in all or undo your previous selection.
- Capacity is calculated as venue seating count plus wheelchair seats.
- Sold is number of tickets sold, including door sales.
- Available is the difference between capacity and sold.
- Arrived includes every ticket that has been checked-in/scanned.
Door sales show up in the list of patrons as (door sales) to differentiate from other kinds of sales.
If the "count door tickets as scanned?" option is turned on on the Setup >Global Settings screen, door tickets are automatically checked in or scanned, and when checked-in patrons are hidden will not show up on the list.
Located on the far left in the above screenshot - this button is used to update the the screen's data immediately.
Go to New Reports > Create Report > Itemized >add the columns for Checked-in and Scanned under the Ticket category.
If this option is off, door sales will appear on the patron check-in screen as another patron to check-in.
Refresh ButtonLocated on the far left in the above screenshot - this button is used to update the the screen's data immediately.
If your organization is checking-in, scanning, or selling tickets to patrons on another computer at the same time you're using the patron check-in screen periodically press the refresh button to pull in the updates from the other sessions.
ReportingGo to New Reports > Create Report > Itemized >add the columns for Checked-in and Scanned under the Ticket category.
Related reading
Box Office - Box Office Sales - Sell tickets
Box Office - Box Office Sales - Sell tickets