The Public Pages of your Arts People account is where you go to get all the links to provide your patrons to purchase from you online.
These links are to use in your website, on social media, in emails, or however you want to publicize your Arts People content to your patrons.
Don't copy a link from your browser's address bar and give it to patrons to access your Arts People pages.
It's a session link and won't work for anyone else. Don't use any link that contains numbers and an &. For example:
Use only the links described below.
Public Page Links
When reading the instructions below wherever you see the text "yourorgcode" replace with the Organization code you use when you login to your Arts People account as an administrator.
Main Ticketing Public Page
The first page of the online system. This is the link you will generally use from your website from a "buy tickets" link. Shows with a future on-sale-date on the show setup will NOT display on this page until that date. This page will not display shows in both current and future seasons.
Main ticketing Public Page mobile version
This is a link to preview the mobile optimized version of the main ticketing buy path above. This link should NOT be used on your website. Instead if you wish to activate the mobile version see the setting year the bottom of the Setup Global Settings screen. Once activated the mobile optimized version of the buy path will appear for patrons online who are using a mobile device (phone, tablet, etc) automatically, instead of the desktop version.
Calendar Public Page
This page displays a calendar view, defaulting to the current month with the ability for visitors to go forward or backward by month, which displays all your performances on sale. The performance is a clickable link, if tickets are still on sale online, to purchase that performance. Shows with a future on-sale-date on the show setup will not display on this page until that date. This page WILL display shows in both current and future seasons. (Note that the calendar page will use its own Cascading Style Sheet - CSS for public page styling. You can download the default CSS from the Configure Appearance setup screen to change the styling of the elements then re-upload on that page. See Configure Appearance for details.)
Donation Public Page
The donation page - allows your patrons to donate online to you.
Membership Public Page
The membership page. If you have memberships configured via the Donation Setup screen and Membership Setup screen, you can use this page to let patrons donate through purchase of a membership. Current members will see their current standing, and can also upgrade their existing membership.
Retail Public Page
The retail page. This is used to sell retail items, gift certificates, and can also optionally displays Passes on sale if you have this setting marked on the SetupGlobal Settings page.
Pass Sale Public Page
This is for Pass sales. Previously Passes were sold on the Retail public page and optionally still can be depending on the setting on your SetupGlobal Settings page.
Subscription Public Page
Takes you to the subscription page for the upcoming season. To use this page for a reserved seating season, you'll need to turn off single-ticket sales during the preseason.
Please talk to client support about using this feature. Note that you can also link to a specific season by adding a tilde and the season start date onto the end of this string. This can enable you to link individually from your website to packages being sold in 2 different seasons. Example:
Mailing List Sign-up Page
This link takes your patrons through the path to join your mailing list, by creating a login and inputting their information into your database. Includes opt-out options for mail and email.
Pre-Season Public Page
Similar to the main ticketing page, but it displays shows built in an upcoming season (future season start date) that don't have a future on-sale-date on the shows themselves (SetupShows page).
Show Specific Link
Instead of the theatre abbreviation, this one uses the unique show ID, which you will find on the SetupShows page for the specific show (on the lower right).
(The show ID here is for example purposes only, your show ID will be different.)
It takes the patron to the second page of the online system, where they select a performance date/time. Using this link, you may opt not to use the main ticketing page of the online system at all, instead substituting your own version. See System Messages and Customizing for information on this.
This link won't allow purchase of tickets for this show if the show has a future on-sale date. See Show Special Link below to create a special link for shows with a future on sale date.
Show Special link
(where 1234 is your actual show ID found on the SetupShows page)
The show_special link is used for when the Publish Date for a show is in the future, but you'd like to give access to online sales to certain buyers.
~only Link
(where 1234 is your actual show ID or Performance ID found on the SetupShows or SetupPerformances page)
Prevent buyers from navigating back to the Main ticketing page. This is helpful if your show or performance isn't on sale yet to the general public.
Add ~only to the end of the link to prevent shoppers that click either Back or Continue Shopping from landing on the Main ticketing page where your show or performance is hidden from view if you have a future Publish Date for it - or if you have other reasons for wanting to prevent buyers from landing on the Main ticketing page.
Performance Specific Link
Instead of the theatre abbreviation, this one uses the unique performance ID, which you will find on the SetupPerformances page for the specific show (on the far right on the individual performance row).
(The performance ID shown here is for example purposes only, your performance ID will be different.)
This link takes the patron to the third page of the online system, where they input their seat/ticket# preferences. Using this link, you may opt not to use the main ticketing page of the online system at all, instead substituting your own version. See System Messages and Customizing for information on this.
This link won't allow purchase of tickets for this performance if the show has a future Public Page on-sale date or if the performance is marked "not avail online". See Perf Special Link below for how to setup a link that will give access to a performance for a show that isn't yet on sale to the public, or for which "not avail online" has been checked.
Perf Special Link
The perf_special link will allow purchase of the performance, even if the show has a future on Publish Date or if the performance is marked "not avail online".
This version will override the on-sale controls on the performances setup screen. Use with ~only at the end (referenced above) to prevent buyers who click Continue Shopping or Back from landing on the Main ticketing page where the show is hidden from view.
Less Commonly Used Public Page Links
Privacy Policy Public Page The privacy policy page.
Reprint Ticket Public Page The page which allows the patron to reprint their Letter sized ticket by inputting their confirmation code.
Exchange Public Page
Buyers must already be in an Arts People session for this link to work. This link can be embedded on your Main ticketing page but not on your website.
The page which allows patrons to exchange their tickets for a different performance of the same show. The program checks to make sure they tickets have not become more expensive. (You may or may not want to make this available.)
Checkout Public Page To link from your website to the checkout page. This can be useful if you are referencing your own main ticketing page, instead of using the one built into your system. See System Messages and Customizing for information on this.
Bookmarks or Anchors
You can use an anchor embedded in the show long description, so when linking from their website they could link directly to the main ticketing page with the anchor referenced, so the link takes you down the list to that specific show. Use html anchor code at the beginning of the long description, then use html anchor reference format at the end of the link to the main ticketing page to apply the link.
Additional Notes
Note that when you use a link such as these, the system starts a new purchase record, and it cancels any tickets the patron may have previously selected into their current session. This isn't normally an issue, of course, since the links are usually accessed from your own website pages outside of the system.
However, you also can refer to these links from the front_page_text system message (see System Messages and Customizing), and from explain_etickets, which appears after a purchase is complete. In this latter case, the system has already generated a new purchase number, so it won't interfere with the order just completed.