Please Note - To set up pricing you must have completed training and have permissions granted to do any of the below pricing. Please contact support if you would like to obtain pricing training for your organization.
Pricing Administration Screen
This is the screen displaying price terms set up within a specific season. They display in a grid format for reference, editing, and to set up NEW price terms.
When building a NEW season of price terms, there is a feature on the pricing grid screen to "copy terms from prior season" which will copy all price terms over. NOTE that not every price term setup field is copied, and in the case of show-specific or package-specific or date-specific terms, you will need to reconstruct the price term or delete it, as the rules of that term are not completely copied over and it might apply now to things you do not wish it too. This is particularly true of Pass price terms, for example. It is important when copying that you then open and review every price term to make sure all the proper fields are filled in, and that you do complete and thorough testing, as usual.
Also, on the price term grid screen there is a tool to "Show expired price terms". Price terms that are related to a specific show will automatically "hide" from view when all performances of the show specified have passed. This tool enables you to view all those hidden terms again for reference.
Price term fields and their use:
The price term setup screen is accessed by clicking to add a new price term from the above screen, or clicking edit on an existing price term. Below are the fields on the pricing term setup screen for you to use.
(in order on the pricing details screen from top to bottom - left side of screen first):
Price terms are built using various fields together on the price details screen. You will choose the fields needed to make the price term apply, inputing the correct specifications.
Note, with each field you use on the price term it will limit it's application. The goal is to use the LEAST fields to make the term apply. Don't be tempted to fill in fields if they are not needed.
Name of this term - input the name of the term. Note that the name of the term will display to patrons during ticket purchase and also will be referenced on price term based reports, so it is important to use a naming convention that makes sense in both cases.
This row is a (drop down) - Used to delineate what the term is
- Base price - a flat price for a ticket (note that traditional subscriptions are input as base price PER-TICKET, not for the entire subscription price)
- Adjustment amount - usually used to discount a ticket by a specific dollar amount (base price term must apply to the ticket before this term)
- Adjustment percent - usually used to discount a ticket by a specific percentage of its base price (base price term must apply to the ticket before this term)
- Pay-what-you-can price - used to set up an option where patrons can choose the price they pay (you can add minimum and maximum amounts and set suggested amounts if needed) *Note: this term does not work with coupon codes
- Order fee - a dollar amount to apply per order
- Per ticket fee - a dollar amount to apply per ticket
- Exchange fee - a dollar amount to apply per exchange (not per ticket)
- Add-on - uses fields at the right to create an add on to be selected on top of the ticket (NOTE if you edit an add-on price term, this field needs to be reset each time the screen is edited, otherwise it will change to a base price)
- Exclude person type - this used in conjunction with person type field to exclude that person type from a show, performance, etc.
- Delivery Fee - this is used in conjunction with the Delivery Method option below to establish a per-order delivery fee related to that method choice
- Per Ticket Delivery Fee - this is used in conjunction with the Delivery Method option below to establish a per-ticket delivery fee related to that method choice
Price or Adjustment - input an amount such as 20 or 20.50 for base price, -1 for adjustment amount, -10 for adjustment percent, 1 for per ticket fee, 5 for per order fee or exchange fee. Use 0 in this field for add-ons (price goes in the cost field at right instead), Passes (price goes in the cost field below for Pass) and exclude person type. (field MUST be filled in)
Priority - this field is typically left at 0. If, however, you want this term to apply instead of a lower priced term, then give it a higher number than the other term. The higher the number, the higher priority.
Person Type - used to set this price term to only apply to that person type. (IMPORTANT NOTE - There should always be at least one price term that can apply to a show that is a base price without person type associated to it. Typically your top price of Adult can be built for this so it will be the default price unless they choose a different person type. This is important so that the system always has a default price to assign to any ticket if no other specifics apply to discount it).
Accompanied By - Typically used to give a discount ONLY IF the ticket is in the same order as this person type selected. Such as a senior discount if accompanied by a child, or a child discount if accompanied by an adult.
Package - specify a package for subscription discount, or also used for single ticket pricing if you create a package grouping of shows set to minimum requirement of 1 on the package screen. Thereby having to create a price term that can apply to a defined grouping of shows.
Checkboxes related to subscription packaging:
Complete the package - this box is checked for the primary subscription price term that establishes the package on the order. This will make all the matching number of tickets apply to the package - same number of each person type. (See notes on the screen)
to additional tickets in the same order - check this box if you want additional tickets beyond the matching number above to receive the discount, in the same order.
to additional tickets in other orders - after the patron has purchased a subscription, this will allow future orders of the package shows to receive the discount as well.
Can apply to a packaged ticket - usually only one package based price term applies to an order. This will allow additional discounts based on package to apply to the tickets as well.
To tickets in shows which are not in the package - The package defines the shows the discount applies to. This box will allow the discount to apply to other shows as well.
Group discount type - (Formerly # of tickets field) - Choices and # field input will control what number of tickets will be required and in what way they are counted on an order to apply the price rule to tickets.
- Count matching tickets per performance: With this setting the system will count the # of tickets in a given order within a specific performance that match the entire criteria of the price rule. If the specified # is reached it will then apply the price rule to that # or more tickets that match the criteria.
- Count matching tickets per show: Same as above, but will count the tickets within a specific show on the order, even if the patron has chosen more than one performance of that show.
- Count matching tickets per order: Same as above, but will count all tickets on the entire order, even if the patron has chosen more than one show.
- Count all tickets per performance: (same as our former # of tickets field - standard "group discount" option). With this setting the system will count all tickets on a given order within a specific performance, regardless of whether they match all the criteria on the price rule or not. If the # specified is reached it will then apply the price rule to ONLY those tickets that match the criteria in the price rule.
- Count all tickets per show: Same as above, but will count the tickets within a specific show on the order, even if the patron has chosen more than one performance of that show.
- Count all tickets for the order: Same as above, but will count the tickets on the order, even if the patron has chosen more than one show.
Matinee - checking this box tells the system that this term only applies to matinee performances (earlier than 5pm)
Sales Mode - Specifies if the term only applies to a certain mode of sale
- Online - only public page purchases by patrons via your website
- Box office - includes box office AND door sales modes
- Door - door sales mode
- Gift - purchases using a gift certificate (this option not activated yet)
Coupon Code - input a code of letters and/or numbers (no symbols or spaces) to trigger the price term to apply
Pass related fields - use these ONLY when creating a pass:
Pass Type - use this when building a pass to select the type, or inactivate. See help files for definitions of pass types. (NOTE if you edit a pass price term, this field needs to be reset each time as it will revert to an unselected state). Note, if using Flex Subscription option, you MUST specify a package to delineate which shows the pass can be redeemed for.
Pass Cost - the $ amount of the pass (leave base price above at 0). This will be the price of the entire pass.
Pass Hold Categories - by inputting A, B or C or any combination of them, this will allow pass buyers to select seats that are on hold to the public. NOTE that they MUST input their pass code on the main ticketing page prior to getting to the seating chart to select their seats for this to work.
Pass on sale as of this date - date the pass will appear on sale (example 1/1/08)
Until this date - date the pass will no longer appear on sale (example 1/1/08)
Has Pass - This term will apply to any patron who has purchased this type of Pass. Example might be a discount you offer to patrons who have purchased a pass toward additional tickets they may buy.
Using Pass - This term will apply only on tickets to which this type of Pass is applied. Example might be a meal ticket add-on that you wish to apply specifically to patrons who are redeeming a pass for tickets.
Pass on sale at box office only - this checkbox is used in relation to so the pass doesn't appear for sale on the retail public page.
Show - select a show in that season from this drop down if this price term should only apply to that show
Performance - select a performance in the show above from this drop down if the price term should only apply to that performance (NOTE you must choose a show above first, save, then edit the term again and this field will be available to select)
Performance Groups - if you have a set of performances that can't be specified by day of the week or some other means, you can use performance group codes.
On the individual performances (on the performances setup screen) input a letter code on each performance this term will apply to - maybe O for opening nights, then build the price term that uses O as the performance group. You can also input -O if you want the price term to apply to all performances except that performance group. (Note that if you happen to be using Performance Groups to manually specify a subscription package by individual performances, the group code must match in this field to the code on the related package.)
Hours to Performance - input a positive number if you want this price term to apply UNTIL that many hours before, or a negative number if you want this price term to START applying that many hours ahead of performance.
Donation amount - Input a dollar amount of donation that patrons must have (cumulatively in the last 12 months prior to ticket purchase date) that are required for this term to apply.
Usually used for donor type discounts. (NOTE that if a patron initiates a recurring donation, the amount you list in this field will not include their future anticipated recurrences... only the amount they have already paid in the prior 12 months. If you wish to give discounts based on their anticipated donation for future recurrences, you must use the membership level below instead.)
Zip Code (US)/Postal Code (CA) - Input a zip code to restrict to patrons whose mailing address is in a particular zip code (US) or postal code (Canada).
Patrons with that zip/postal code will receive the pricing on the price term: base price, adjustment percent/amount, performance groups, buy n, package pricing, etc work correctly. Multiple zip/postal codes can be separated with a comma.
Pricing conflicts, Maximums and other price term specific fields work with this feature.
This field isn't case sensitive.
An asterisk (*) can be used to match any number or letter: for example, 9**** will match any zip code on the west coast.
Price terms using the Zip Code/Postal Code field won't apply to tickets sold via the Box OfficeDoor Sales page since these sales aren't associated with any patron's record.
Membership Level - Similar to above, in this case you choose defined membership level(s) for which this price term applies.
Note that you can save one, then add another, and another. Membership levels are setup via the donation and membership setup area. See help files for details on donation and membership setup. (You may use this field OR the field above on a price term, not both.)
Venue - select venue if you want pricing to apply ONLY to the specified venue
Seating Section - Used if you have pricing sections defined on the venue and different sections need to have different prices.
Input the price section code the price term should apply to. OR you can input a negative section code to make the price term apply to all sections EXCEPT that specific section. (ie: if your orchestra section is code O, you can input O to make the price term apply to that section, or -O to make the price term apply to all sections except the orchestra section)
Weekday - up to 5 day selections can be made to apply prices based on days of the week.
"First Thursday" - (used in conjunction with Weekday fields above) by inputting a number, this price term will apply to that numbered day of week specified above. So if your first Wed and Thurs are previews, you can set a lower base price, specify Wed and Thurs and input the number 1 in this field. So only the FIRST Wed and Thurs get this price.
Buy N - by inputting a number here, this term will require that many tickets be purchased first with other price terms applying, before this term applies.
This is used often for "buy one, get one free" offers. So this term might be $0, and set with buy N of 1. So they buy one ticket at normal price, then second ticket is free, then they can buy a 3rd, 4th ticket is free. you can use this in conjunction with max fields to limit the number of tickets they can get at the discount. NOTE that the Buy N feature is designed to work with purchase of that number of tickets to a single performance. ALSO NOTE that due to the level of complexity associated to the workings of the Buy N feature, any pricing conflict between a Buy N price term and some other discount will favor the OTHER price term, not the Buy N price term.
Starting date - If limiting by date, input a date this term will begin on
Ending date - If limiting by date, input a date this term will end on
Max Fields: (typically use only one of these. They may not work properly when combined. Make sure to test.)
- Max Amount - # that this term will be applied EVER. Used for placing a count of the number of times TOTAL that this price term can apply to tickets, regardless of to whom or when applied.
- Per Order - maximum number of tickets per order this term can apply to. If patron starts a new order it can apply again.
- Per Household - maximum number of tickets per household this term can apply to.
- Per Person - maximum number of tickets per person this term can apply to (note that this is forever on their acct. So if this term applies to multiple shows, you might not want to use this delimiter, or build a new version for each show). If the patron has another person acct in your system they could apply this again on that other acct.
- Per Show - maximum number of tickets per show this term can apply to (great for limiting a coupon to the first 50 tickets it is redeemed on toward that show)
- Per Performance - maximum number of tickets per performance this term can apply to (similar to limit by show above)
- Per Household and Show - maximum number of tickets per household this term can apply to, for each show they buy
- Per Person and Show - maximum number of tickets per person this term can apply to, for each show they buy
- Per Household and Performance - maximum number of tickets per household this term can apply to, for each performance they buy
- Per Person and Performance - maximum number of tickets per person this term can apply to, for each performance they buy
- (Remember when testing for max amounts that the max counts will consider the tests you've run. So if using a test transaction, it will continue to count those tickets into your max until they release at midnight, or if you manually release them. Or you can delete the max price term and rebuild it to have it start count over.)
Announcement - This field is required when building a Pass price term, to input the description and instructions for use. It appears on the Pass public page where the pass is sold and also in the confirmation email with their pass code.
Round up to - this field can make an adjustment percent round up to the specified amount.
Zero price OK - this field must be checked if the price term may result in a $0 ticket total.
Delivery Method - Choose this option ONLY when setting up a delivery fee or per ticket delivery fee to associate the fee to that delivery method.
Cap total fees at this amount - By inputting a $ amount in this field on a per-ticket fee or per-ticket delivery fee price rule, the system will cap the per-ticket fees applied at this amount on each order.
Waive fee if order exceeds this amount - By inputting a $ amount in this field on a per-order fee or per-order delivery fee price rule, the system will waive the per-order fees applied when the ticket total $ goes over this amount.
Ticket Add-ons:
- Item - items must be first input in the items for sale screen from your Setup menu and usually marked for box office only (unless they will also be sold via the retail screen). Once built, they will appear in this drop down to be used for an add-on
- cost - the chart, if any, for the add-on option. 0 is also an option for choices without any cost
- max/performance - inputing an inventory number here will limit the number of that option that can be chosen
- short name - while the item name itself can be longer and description (such as "Chicken Almondine with rice pilaf and vegis") the short name can be used to appear on the printed ticket (such as "Chicken")
- save
- Repeat to add other selections - If a single selection then the option will be a checkbox for the patron. If multiple selections then a drop down will appear.
- Addon Required when available - check this box if you want to force a choice. When this is used the purchaser must choose one of the add ons in the drop down menu. Useful when a dinner is already paid for and you want the purchaser to choose their meal ahead of time.
- Allow "unspecified" as a choice - check this box if you want to give an extra item in the dropdown of items of "unspecified". The choice can be made later by a box officer. This is only available on the box office screen, not on the public pages.
- Make addon free when ticket is comped? - checked by default. When this is checked an add-on added to a $0 ticket will also be $0. UNcheck this box if you wish to add a charge for the add-on when added to a $0 ticket.
Lists for this pricing term - Pricing can be limited to a list you have saved in your system. The list must be created first on the Lists screen, then this field will display a drop down to choose a list. More lists can be added one at a time. When a list is specified then only members of that list can get that price term. The system will recognize them by their email when they log in, or when you find them on the box office screen.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: It is your responsibility to make sure prices are correct prior to making tickets available to your patrons, whether setup by you or by our staff. This includes base prices, discounts and per ticket or order fees, as well as combinations of pricing. We recommend that you always thoroughly test your pricing, both online as well as from your internal box office screen, to ensure pricing is as expected. You are responsible for any errors in pricing, Arts People will not be held responsible for issues that occur with your payment processing due to incorrect pricing setup.