Credit Card History - Viewing
To see what credit card transactions have been attempted through the system on a particular day, go to the Credit Card History screen from the main/home menu (Accounting>Credit Card History).
On the Credit Card History screen input the date you wish to view (the view defaults to today's date). All credit card attempts appear even if they were not successful, with the result listed.
If the transaction shows approved then it went through. If it shows anything else, then it didn't, and it will not settle with the bank overnight.
Each row can be clicked to view transaction details.
When the row is clicked transaction details display in a modal on the right side of the page including order, transaction, and purchase ids, cardholder details, the transaction's sales mode and other information.
One odd thing to be aware of is that transactions sometimes get an authorization number even if they fail. This happens for various reasons. Because of this, some patrons may see the failed transaction on their CC account for up to 72 hours (usually drops off within 24 hours). But if the transaction wasn't successful, it will go away automatically. This is a process of the patron's credit card company which may hold the funds on their card temporarily. For additional details on this see FAQ - Credit Card Declined.
Duplicate Transaction Submitted means that the same transaction was submitted on the same card within about a two minute window. The system automatically blocks these to help prevent patrons from accidentally charging their own card for the same order, etc.
The "Type" column will display if the transaction was a payment, or a refund.