This article reviews how to set up and sell classes in the Enrollment system of your Arts People account. Other setup articles can be here.
Before you start, click on the Setup item on the left navigation menu. Do you have an Enrollment section? If so, you're good to continue with the setup steps below.
If you don't have an Enrollment section, reach out to your Client Services Representative by submitting a request through the Help Center and ask for a quote on adding the Enrollment system to your account.
Setup a class term
- Click on Setup, scroll down to Enrollment, select Term Dates.
- Enter a Start date.
(The start date won't affect whether the class appears for sale on the public page. If you enter a past or a future date for the term start date, the classes will still appear for sale to the public. Only the "On sale until" date controls the public view. If the on sale until date is a past date the classes in the term won't appear for sale to the public but will still be visible for sale on the Admin. Enrollment page. With the above in mind chose a start date that's meaningful to your operations.) - Enter an "On sale until" date. The "On sale until" date is the day class sales are no longer available to the public through your online classes page (your online classes page is found via Public PagesPublic enrollment page).
- Name your class term - enter a name for both your own and your patron's reference. The class term name will appear on the online classes page.
Setup your classes
- Click on Setup > Classes
- Select the term needed
- Click Add new class
- Fill in all applicable fields for the class. Note that you won't have items yet to select for the Pricing fields - this is OK - you'll be coming back later and adding the pricing.
- A note about the Start date: once this date is in the past your class won't be available for sale any longer through your online class sales page that is visible to your online buyers - if you want them to be able to see and buy your class past the start date, you may leave your start date field blank and define the start date details in the Description.
Setup class pricing
- Click on Setup > Enrollment Pricing
- Select a term
Here's an example of a basic class pricing setup.
Pricing name: Pre-teen Storywriters
Pricing type: Base price
Price or adjustment: 50
Class: Pre-teen Storywriters
Leave the other fields blank/don't select them.
Click on Save to save the pricing for the class.

Test your class pricing via the Enrollment pages
Catch any pricing errors you might have made before your buyers do! The Enrollment pages can be used by you and your box office staff to sell classes over the phone or in person.
- Click the Enrollment item on your left navigation menu. You'll be on the EnrollmentEnrollment Person Lookup page.
- Look up your own record: enter your name and click Lookup and go to Enrollment page. (If you receive a message there isn't a record yet for you, create one via DatabasePeople.)
- Add a class to your order. Select the class you're testing in the upper left Class dropdown menu and click Add to Order.
- Look at the price in the Amount column in the upper right. Is it correct?
- If the class price looks correct, click the red x in the upper right to delete the class from the order. (You'll be testing this class again, so it's important to remove it from your record for now).
- If your class pricing isn't correct you can edit it. Click Setup on the left navigation menu. SetupEnrollmentEnrollment pricing. Edit the price term and correct the price and save. Re-test your pricing - start over with the steps above.
Note: you'll see a message if you have an age requirement in place for the class and you haven't yet entered an age. You can enter a birthdate for your record in the next step when you test your class through the online classes page (where the online buyer will purchase their classes from you.)
Test your class pricing via your online Public Class enrollment page
Review what your online buyers experience when they purchase a class - be sure all is in working order and ready for them to buy classes!
- By default, the classes on the enrollment page are listed alphabetically by the class' name. If you wish to list them by the start date of the class, you can do so by clicking on Setup > Global Settings, and under MISCELLANEOUS, check the box for "List enrollments by start date" and click Save.
- Click the Public Pages link on the left navigation menu. Click Class enrollment, then click the link for the Class enrollment page.
- Once on the Class enrollment page check whether you're logged in to a patron record or not. If you are, you'll see the patron record's name and a Log out option in the upper right. Click Log out. If you're not logged in, no Log out option will display.
- Click the Class name link on the left of the page - this adds the class to your order.
- Login using an email address where you can receive the email confirmation at the end of your test order. You may want to check out the confirmation email to be sure it's reading the way you want it to.
Continue through the Customer information screen, filling in contact information as needed - click Save and Continue to proceed. - After you log in, check if you have the Household information set up for your record to complete test class orders:
- Click the edit icon on the far right to enter a birthdate if you don't yet have one entered for your record and/or...
- Add a Household member with the correct birthdate for the class you're testing (if it has age requirements)
- Make sure the Release of Liability is signed for each Household member (including your record.)
- Click Continue to proceed to the payment page.
- Check your class price on the payment page. Is it correct?
- If your class price is correct and you don't need to review what the class email confirmation looks like - go ahead and delete the class from your order since your testing is complete now.
- Click Admin pages in the upper left to exit the Public Pages. Skip down past the instructions below on reviewing how to correct your class pricing and view your email confirmation. Your next step to check is Setup class meetings.
8. If your class pricing isn't correct click Admin pages in the upper left and go to SetupEnrollmentEnrollment pricing to edit the class price term and correct the price. Re-test through the public pages using the steps above.
9. To see your email confirmation you'll complete your order as a Test Transaction. Test Transactions disappear at midnight from your account and can be used on the various payment pages in your account so that you can complete end-to-end testing of your system. More detailed instructions are here along with a video on Test Transactions - and there are instructions below too.
10. To do a test transaction so you can see the email confirmation, type the Arts People username you use to login to Arts People as an administrator into the Credit card number field. Your username is usually your first name or some variation of it. Click Complete Order. Check your email. How does the email confirmation look?
11. If you see changes you'd like to make to the confirmation email, you can make them in 2 places.
- Via SetupEnrollmentClassesedit the class and update the Email notes field as needed.
- To change the layout and the overall content you may need to alter the template. The template can be found via SetupPublic DesignSystem MessagesEmailsenrollment_confirm_public_html
- Any change you make to this template should also be made to the template that matches the confirmation sent when classes are sold by a box officer via the EnrollmentEnrollment Person page. The template for this email is labeled: enrollment_confirm_box_office_html
- The changes you make to the enrollment email confirmation templates should be tested by completing another test transaction. You can do this by setting up a new patron record that you can use for testing - be sure the email address you enter for this other patron record you use for testing is an active email for you and one you can check. Complete test transactions as needed to confirm the email confirmations are looking the way you'd hoped.
Setup class meetings
1. Setting up class meetings (the dates and times the class meets) is optional. Adding Class Meetings is for your reference only. The entry you already made on the SetupEnrollmentClasses page is enough to sell the class. If you'd like to skip setting up class meetings, skip down to the last step - Make your classes available for sale to the public
2. To set up class meetings go to SetupEnrollmentClass MeetingsSelect the term, select the class. Pick the date range of the class and the day of the week, enter the start time, and click Generate.
Make your classes available for sale to the public
Make sure your website includes your Class enrollment page link so patrons can buy classes online from you!
1. Click the Public Pages item on the left navigation menu.
2. Scroll down to the Class enrollment page. This link is what you'll be inserting into your website or other media (email to your patrons, Facebook, etc).
Questions about how to set up and sell classes? Your support team is there to help. Reach out to them by submitting a request through the Help Center.