Lookup a patron -
If the buyer has purchased tickets before, he will be in your people or organizations database. You can quickly pull up his patron information by
- entering all or part of his first and/or last name in the first and last name fields
- search using the organization field (activate this field using group sales tools setting on the personal settings screen) to search for an organization
- search by ticket confirmation code, gift certificate or Pass code
- search by phone or email address
After you have entered the search information click the "Lookup Existing Patron" button. If more than one patron is found matching the search, you will be presented with a list to choose from. If you need to make any changes to the patron record, you can make them on this screen. Make sure you save any changes (click "Update patron record" button to save changes). (NOTE that changes to email addresses should be done by switching to the database screen and deleting incorrect emails, adding new emails, save, then return to box office).
IMPORTANT NOTE: While on a customer's patron record in either the Box Office or Database page, you must always click "Exit Record" before you begin working with a new customer. Never try and lookup a new customer's record by placing your cursor into the name field(s) of the customer's record you were working on, and erasing the customer's name, and typing the new customer's name in. Doing this can result in "overwriting" the customer's record with the data you enter.
Enter a new patron - If the patron is not in your database, you will need to enter his contact information then click the "Save new patron" button. Use either the first and last name fields OR the organization field, not both. Phone, email, address and notes can be entered as well, but are not required.
Billing Address: The patron's address is typically used to verify their credit card for processing. If the patron's home address is not their credit card billing address, then a billing address should also be entered specifically to be sent for credit card confirmation.