Is it possible to link, connect or integrate the system with an external Donor database?
Not directly, no. As with ALL database solutions for patron management, the goal should always be to have all your patron management in ONE integrated system, so that patron records can attach to ticket records, donation records, membership records, all in one place. You do not want to have to input double records, try to compare records across different systems, etc. This can lead to errors, wasted time and confusion for your staff and your patrons. The system is designed from the ground up to be a holistic solution to your patron management needs. Also, being a hosted system it is not designed to integrate directly to any other system. All this being said, there are several ways in which you can export information out of the system, using exportable report data, marketing output and Batches. It is not possible to do file imports into the system.
For details on our complete Donation and Membership system, see the setup area of the help files.