Our system uses basic html code and tags to configure the public pages to match your website, and also to style and configure your show long descriptions, public page system messages and more. Below are some standard and basic html code tags you can use in your system:
text here
- the h1 (h one) tag tells web browsers to display the text contained between the opening and closing h1 tags in "header one" style. This style is based on your website design.text here
- the h2 (h two) tag tells web browsers to display the text contained between the opening and closing h2 tags in "header two" style. This style is based on your website design.text here -or- text here - the b or strong tag tells the web browser to display the text in bold
text here - the i tag tells the web browser to display the text in italics
text here - the font tag can be used to style the font contained within the opening and closing tags. This can include a hex color code, size, etc.
- the br tag tells the web to insert a line return at this point. If you want a blank line use two br tags.
- the hr tag stands for "horizontal rule" and will insert a simple line at that point. This can help create a visual break between content going down the page.
[*image/filename*] - this is our own image tag, used to place images in your content that are stored on the Configure Appearance setup screen. So upload your image there, then use that file name, including the extension (.jpg, .gif, .png) of the name into the tag where you want that image to appear. Such as [*image/logo.jpg*].
These are the most common html tags used in the system by clients. However most any standard html code tags can work. There are plenty of resources online regarding html coding options, such as http://www.htmlfreecodes.com/. Google search will produce many reference sites to help.