There are 2 ways to sell tickets on your Facebook business page. You can utilize both at the same time.
The first is to install apps provided by Arts People to your Facebook page. The apps allow your patron to purchase tickets without leaving Facebook to do so. For step by step directions to install and test the apps, please find instructions in the article here:
Another method to consider is to utilize Facebook's Call to Action button which can be used to direct your patrons to the main ticketing page. This option opens your Arts People main ticketing page in a new tab in your browser. In order to enable this, you must be an administrator of the Facebook page or have editing privileges.
The Call to Action button is located just below your Cover photo as seen below.
The Call to Action button can be used for various things, one of which is the "Book Now" option.
To select the Action that is Book Now, you click on the Pencil (edit) icon on the button. This will bring up an option selector:
Click the Book Now option. That will bring up additional choices for the button:
For the purpose of linking to your ticketing page, you will want to select the Link to Website option. Which will bring up another window where you can enter the public URL for your main ticketing page:
After you enter your URL and have clicked Next you are ready to test your button.
As the page administrator, you cannot simply click the button to test it. Instead, you must hover over the button and a selector will appear which gives you the option to test the button.
As mentioned earlier you may use either method for linking your Facebook page to your ticketing page.
The main difference between the two methods is that the Apps provided appear inside the Facebook frame and the patron can complete the transaction without leaving Facebook.
The Call to Action button opens a new tab, taking the patron out of Facebook to complete the transaction.
Both methods require a Business Page rather than a Personal page on Facebook.