Locate your profile by signing into your Giving Day account and selecting the My Profile tab from the top navigation.
The My Profile > Overview page is made up of information that you submitted when you registered for the Giving Day. While some of this content may be internal, used only for registration purposes, there is plenty of information here that will be used to make up your public profile page on the Giving Day website.
Examples include:
- Your organization's name and logo
- Your About Us, Mission Statement, and Testimonial fields in the Public Facing Content section
- Social media pages and contact information
Data Fields:
Required Fields
As you complete your profile, you’ll note that some fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).
For example: *Organization Name
You must complete these fields in order to save your profile.
Many fields will be accompanied by a Tooltip. Tooltips are marked by an encircled question mark.
Hover over a Tooltip for guidance on completing the field.
Left Navigation Column
When accessing your My Giving Day Profile, you’ll find many options along the left navigation column. Not every system will look exactly the same, as the availability of some content may be dependent on the Giving Day host. Some examples include:
When you would like to add pictures and videos to your public profile page, you will click the 'Multimedia' section from this navigation column and add your media by clicking the 'Add Entry' button at the top.
Explore each option available along the left and follow the guidance of the Tooltips. Take full advantage of your Giving Day profile options and ensure that your public page is engaging and makes an impact with potential donors.
Don't forget to scroll to the bottom of your profile page and click Save or Submit when you are making updates!