New and Exciting!
- Team captains can now select individual team members to email in the Fundraiser Dashboard > Email flow.
- All donations to campaigns are now displayed on all campaigns at “[campaign URL]/static/donations”.
- Fundraisers can now create Facebook Fundraisers with a Facebook account that has a different email address than their Fundraise account.
- The “Edit” link on completed cards in role registration now displays without hovering.
- DAFpay processor setting is now enabled by default when configuring a new Neon Pay processor that supports DAFpay.
- Fixed an issue that prevented PayPal and Venmo transactions from being moved between campaigns.
- The recurring upgrade notice no longer appears after submitting the donation form.
- Fixed a bug in which DAFpay did not work on platform pages or with multi-currency.
- Fixed an issue that prevented donors from making DAF donations to campaigns from a platform donation page.
- Fixed an issue in which DAF tracking ID and provider name didn’t appear in the post donation message in certain scenarios.
- Fixed an issue that caused amounts displayed in the DAFpay modal to change in certain scenarios.