Please note that the Next Generation Events feature is only available to organizations with Neon CRM Impact or Empower packages AND Neon Pay as the payment processor.
Contact us at to discuss your current package and/or switching to Neon Pay.
Learn how to enable, create, and add an event custom field to a Next Generation Event registration form in order to collect custom information during the ticket purchasing process in this step-by-step guide. This help guide will cover how to enable the creation of an event custom field, create an event custom field, and add an event custom field to an event registration form for Next Generation Events in Neon CRM.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Any event custom field created using the processes described in this guide can be included on an event registration form for Next Generation Events if, during the event creation process, you select the option to enable event custom fields, as described in this guide.
Enabling the Creation of an Event Custom Field - During the Creation of an Event
Enabling the Creation of an Event Custom Field - For Existing Events
Creating an Event Custom Field - Option 1
Creating an Event Custom Field - Option 2
Adding an Event Custom Field to an Event Registration Form
Viewing Custom Information Response Analytics
Editing Attendee Custom Information Responses
Enabling the Creation of an Event Custom Field - During the Creation of an Event
If you are creating a new event in the Next Generation Events module, and your organization wishes to collect event custom information (via event custom form fields) from a registrant (or ticket buyer) during the ticket purchasing process, your organization may enable this feature during the event creation process. In step 3 of the Basic Information section in the event creation wizard, you (and any system administrator) will see the question below. Select the applicable option as follows:
- None - You do not wish to collect event custom information from registrants or have registrants assign tickets to individual attendees.
- Registrant/Ticket Buyer - You wish to collect custom information (via event custom form fields) during the event registration process, but you do not wish to have the registrant assign tickets to individual attendees. (All tickets purchased will be "assigned" under the registrant's name.)
- Each Attendee - You wish to collect custom information (via event custom form fields) during the event registration process, AND/OR you wish to have the registrant assign tickets to individual attendees.
When this feature is enabled, before checkout, the registrant must enter information for any event custom field you create and/or assign tickets to individual attendees. (For more information on assigning tickets to individual attendees, please see Assigning Tickets to Individual Attendees after you complete the processes in this guide.)
Enabling the Creation of an Event Custom Field - For Existing Events
If you have an existing Next Generation Event, and your organization wishes to collect event custom information (via event custom form fields) from a registrant (or ticket buyer) during the ticket purchasing process for the event, but you did not enable the custom field feature, you may enable the creation of event custom fields after your event is created as follows:
1. Select Events in the navigation menu and then select Events on the drop-down menu.
On the Events list page:
2. Select your applicable event.
On the event's Overview page:
3. Select Form in the left menu.
The Enable Custom Form pop-up appears. On this pop-up:
4. Select the applicable option, per the following information below the image, and select Save after you have made your selection.
- None - You do not wish to collect event custom information from registrants or have registrants assign tickets to individual attendees.
- Registrant/Ticket Buyer - You wish to collect custom information (via event custom form fields) during the event registration process, but you do not wish to have the registrant assign tickets to individual attendees. (All tickets purchased will be "assigned" under the registrant's name.)
- Each Attendee - You wish to collect custom information (via event custom form fields) during the event registration process, AND/OR you wish to have the registrant assign tickets to individual attendees.
When this feature is enabled, before checkout, the registrant must enter information for any event custom field you create and/or assign tickets to individual attendees. (For more information on assigning tickets to individual attendees, please see Assigning Tickets to Individual Attendees after you complete the processes in this guide.)
Creating an Event Custom Field - Option 1
You have two options to create event custom fields, Option 1 outlines creating custom fields via the Global Settings menu. To create an event custom field in this manner:
1. Select the Settings cog in the upper right corner of the page and then select Global Settings on the drop-down menu.
2. Select Event under the Custom Fields heading.
On the Event page:
3. Select New Custom Field.
On the New Custom Field pop-up:
4. Enter an Internal Field Name. This name is used internally for reporting and on admin pages.
5. Enter a Public Field Name. This is the name displayed on public-facing forms.
6. Select a Display Type.
- The Display Type options are as follows:
- Text Input - Single Line - This option allows you or the constituent to input a single line of text, a number, a currency amount, a date, or an email.
- Text Input - Multi Line - This option allows you or the constituent to enter longer text, as needed.
- Checkbox List - This option allows you or the constituent to choose one or more options from a list of input selections.
- Dropdown - This option allows you or the constituent to choose one option from a list of selections.
- Radio Buttons - This option allows you or the constituent to choose one option from a list of selections.
If you choose Checkbox List, Dropdown, or Radio Buttons, the Options box will appear.
7. Enter the applicable value field options in the Option Name field. Select Add Option to add additional option selections.
When all information has been entered:
8. Select Create Custom Field.
The custom field now appears on the Event page. This custom field will now be available to select in the Form Editor for the applicable event. See the Adding an Event Custom Field to an Event Registration Form section below (you may skip the next section).
Creating an Event Custom Field - Option 2
Option 2 outlines creating custom fields directly in the Form Editor after you create an event. To create an event custom field in this manner:
1. Select Form in the left menu of the event overview page for the event to which you wish to add an event custom field.
In the Form Editor:
2. Select New Field in the left menu (any event custom fields you may have created using Option 1 will also appear in the left menu under the Event Custom Fields heading, as indicated by the red arrow).
The New Custom Field pop-up now appears. On this pop-up:
3. Enter an Internal Field Name. This name is used internally for reporting and on admin pages.
4. Enter a Public Field Label. This is the name displayed on public-facing forms.
5. Select a Field Type.
- The Field Type options are as follows:
- Text Input - Single Line - This option allows you or the constituent to input a single line of text, a number, a currency amount, a date, or an email.
- Text Input - Multi Line - This option allows you or the constituent to enter longer text, as needed.
- Checkbox List - This option allows you or the constituent to choose one or more options from a list of input selections.
- Dropdown - This option allows you or the constituent to choose one option from a list of selections.
- Radio Buttons - This option allows you or the constituent to choose one option from a list of selections.
If you choose Checkbox List, Dropdown, or Radio Buttons, the Options box will appear.
6. Enter the applicable value field options in the Option Name field. Select Add Option to add additional option selections.
When all information has been entered:
7. Select Create Field.
The new field will appear on the bottom of the Event Registration Form (as seen below).
8. Select Save in the upper right corner when all applicable fields have been added.
You have successfully created and added the new event custom field to the Event Registration Form. (You may skip the next section.)
Adding an Event Custom Field to an Event Registration Form
If you created an event custom field per Option 1 above, complete the following to add the event custom field you created in Global Settings to the form used in the event checkout process.
1. Select Form in the left menu of the event overview page for the event to which you wish to add an event custom field.
In the Form Editor:
2. Select the custom field in the left menu and drag it to the right-side form.
3. Select Save in the upper right corner when all applicable fields have been added.
Viewing Custom Information Response Analytics
Once registrants begin purchasing tickets for an event for which custom information is collected, you may view the analytics of constituent responses to the custom field or fields.
To view custom information response analytics:
1. Select the applicable event on the Events list page.
2. Select Registrations in the left menu on the event overview page.
3. Select View Form Analytics.
The Form Analytics page now appears. This page displays the total custom field responses, and it breaks down responses by question, as seen below.
Editing Attendee Custom Information Responses
If needed, you, as the system administrator, may edit constituent responses to custom form questions.
To edit individual custom form responses:
1. Select the applicable event on the Events list page.
2. Select Registrations in the left menu on the event overview page.
On the Registrations page:
3. Select View in the Form column of the attendee whose information you would like to edit.
On the Attendee Form page:
4. Select Edit Responses and make changes as needed.