Table of Contents
Your Organization Has Entered Manual Review
Your Neon Pay Merchant Needs Attention
United States Merchants and Document Uploading
Next Steps and How to Get Help
To begin processing with Neon Pay, you need a Verified Neon Pay merchant account. After submitting your merchant application, there may be some issues with your account that need to be resolved before it moves to the Verified status. Additionally, even if you have been processing for some time, there may be a change to regulations that requires additional or updated information about your account.
In both of these scenarios, your account may be moved to a Not Ready or Manual status in Neon Pay. You can view your merchant status in Neon Pay on the Merchant Accounts tab or on the merchant detail page directly. You will also receive email notifications each time your merchant account changes status. Available statuses include: Not Ready, Verified, Manual, and Rejected.
Note: in rare cases, you may receive an email regarding issues that need attention while you are in Verified status. These issues need to be addressed to avoid a pause in your payments and payouts.
This article walks through how to resolve common issues that arise during the Neon Pay merchant onboarding process. If you have not yet created a merchant account, please see the Neon Pay Signup and Merchant Application guide first.
Email Notifications and How to Resolve Them
If there is an issue with your merchant application during onboarding (or with your account post-onboarding), your Neon Pay Administrators will receive an automated email from Neon Pay.
[Your Organization Name] Has Entered Manual Review
Some issues cannot be resolved without the assistance of Neon Pay Support. If you receive a generic email related to your account entering Manual status, you should expect a follow-up email from a Neon Pay Support agent.
Common errors that result in this notification include:
- We were unable to verify the identity of your account signer.
- We were unable to verify your nonprofit status with the IRS.
- We were unable to verify your business address.
The Neon Pay Support team will reach out to resolve the issue. To expedite the process, we recommend preparing some common pieces of documentation they may ask for:
- Your account signer's driver's license or similar identification document
- A utility bill or similar document proving your business address
- Your IRS determination letter
Your Neon Pay Merchant Needs Attention
Other issues can be resolved without Neon Pay Support assistance. These issues will be emailed to your organization's Neon Pay Administrators for remediation.
Importantly, Neon Pay will attempt to notify you of issues before your account's processing and payouts are paused.
- Your notification will state "Your merchant account ... is currently restricted and unable to process" if charges have already been paused.
- If they have not yet been paused, your notification will state "Neon Pay requires additional or updated information regarding your merchant account ... Without this information, your account may be restricted soon and unable to process."
Every issue listed in the email will have a "Due Date" below the description of the issue. If you do not submit the corrected information before the Due Date, your processing and payouts may be paused.
To resolve the issue, you can either click the "Edit" button next to the Due Date or follow the log-in button at the bottom of the email. Examples of errors include:
- Phone number isn't formatted correctly for this account's country or region. [Phone number] is not a valid phone number.
- Representative Address City - please contact support for more details.
- Representative Dob Month - please contact support for more details.
- We couldn't verify the account's information. You can either fix any errors in the account's legal business name, Registration Number, or address fields; or you can upload a document to show that the existing information is correct.
Note: the errors that state "please contact support for more details" can still be resolved without Support's assistance. You should only reach out if you are unsure what action to take. See the below sections for how to resolve.
United States-Based Merchant Accounts and Document Uploading
To fix organization-related errors on a US merchant account, scroll down to the Organization Details panel and click the pen icon in the upper right-hand corner. This is where you can fix problems related to your organization's address, phone number, and website.
Once you update the information, be sure to click Save. This will immediately trigger an updated review of your application.
Account signer (aka "representative") information can be edited in the Account Signer panel the same way. This is where you can update your account signer's SSN, date of birth, address, and phone number.
Alternatively, if your information is correct and we requested a document upload, you will see the Upload Documents button on the Documents panel at the bottom of the merchant detail page.
The necessary document to resolve the error will have a "Not Uploaded" status until you provide a document or resolve the issue. Once you click the upload button, you will open the document uploading modal. Your document must adhere to the follow guidelines:
- Color image (8,000 pixels by 8,000 pixel)
- 10 MB or less
- For identity documents, can be JPG or PNG format. Legal entity documents can be JPG, PNG, or PDF.
- For legal entity documents, must include all pages
- Must not be password protected
Acceptable account signer identity documents must include the following information: Full legal name, Date of birth (DOB), and/or a Photo of person (except where exclusions apply). Acceptable document types include:
- Passport
- Passport card
- Driver license
- State-issued ID card
- Resident permit ID / U.S. Green Card
- Border crossing card
- Child ID card
- NYC card
- U.S. visa card
Acceptable legal entity verification documents must contain the following information: Full company legal entity name that matches your merchant application, Tax ID from the local tax authority that matches your merchant application, and Company address that matches your merchant application. Acceptable document types include:
- IRS Letter 147C
- IRS SS-4 confirmation letter
Upon submitting a document, your information will be reviewed immediately. If there is an error with the document, you will receive an email notifying you that the document was rejected and explaining the error. You can view the error message, as well as all document status changes, in the Documents panel:
Canada-Based Merchant Accounts and "Edit with Stripe"
If your Canada-based merchant account encounters an issue during or after onboarding, you will also receive a notification via email. However, rather than fixing these errors directly in Neon Pay, you will need to follow the "Edit With Stripe" link in Neon Pay.
Upon following the link, the form will alert you to the issues that require resolution.
Examples of common issues include:
- Your statement descriptor must reflect your business. Change [bad descriptor] so it’s similar to your business name, legal entity name, or URL.
- Tos Acceptance Date - please contact support for more details.
- Note: this appears if you exited the application early and have not accepted the Terms of Service.
- Proof of registration: We have identified directors that haven’t been added on the account. Add any missing directors to the account.
Be sure to click the Confirm button at the bottom of the Stripe form to re-submit your application.
What to do Next
Once you submit updated information or supporting documentation, a new review of your application will automatically be triggered. If further issues are found, you will receive a subsequent notification describing the issue as early as one day later.
Alternatively, once all issues are resolved or your account can process charges, you will receive an email notifying you that your account is in Verified status.
If you have questions about any of the errors you are facing or how to resolve them, please reach out to the Neon Pay Support team (