Learn how to manage users within the CMS. This help guide will cover how to add a user and manage existing users within Neon Websites.
Adding a User to Neon Websites
1. In your Portal Dashboard, navigate to My Organization. If you are a user of multiple organizations, this button will appear as a drop-down button with a menu listing all of your connected organizations.
2. If the user does not already have an account with your organization, select Invite Users. If the user does have an existing account, skip to Step 6.
3. In the Invite Users slide panel, enter the required details to successfully create the account. You will also set the user's Website role in this panel.
4. Select the applicable Website role. Once the required fields and product access settings are complete, select Send Invite. The user will receive an email prompting them to login and set up their Neon Portal account.
5. New accounts will appear with Pending status until the user logs in to the Neon Portal.
6. If the user already has a Neon Portal account, locate the user in the user table and open the Actions menu (the three dots) on the far right of the User's information row. Select Manage Applications.
7. Set the user's Website access. Once complete, select Save Permissions.
Resending an Invite
If a user did not receive the invitation email upon creation of their Neon Portal account, you may resend the invitation if they are still in Pending status.
To resend an invite:
1. In your Portal Dashboard, select My Organization.
2. Locate the user in the user table and select the Actions menu (the three dots) in the User's information row. Select Resend Invite.
3. The user will receive an email with instructions for setting up their account.
Resetting a Password
If an user is unable to login to their Neon Portal or needs to reset their password:
1. In your Portal Dashboard, select My Organization.
2. Locate the user in the user table and select the Actions menu (the three dots) in the User's information row. Select Reset Password.
3. The user will receive an email with instructions on how to reset their password.
Deactivating an Account
If an account needs to be deactivated:
1. In your Portal Dashboard, select My Organization.
2. Locate the user whose account needs to be deactivated in the user table and select the Actions menu (the three dots) in the User's information row. Select Deactivate User.
3. You will be prompted to confirm the deactivation to prevent accidental deactivation. Select Deactivate User.
4. The user is now deactivated. The status of the account will change to Deactivated within your user list.