This page details the new functionality, changes, and fixes included in the May Neon CRM product updates.
Moves Management
Save time on common tasks and reminders by saving one or many Activities for quick reuse. Go to Global Settings > Moves Management to get started.
Activity Templates: Create a schedule of several Activities with time delays in between them, and apply this series of Activities with just a few clicks.
- When in the Activities section of an Account, Grant, or Prospect record, click Create New > Apply Activity Template.
Saved Activities: Save the details of a single Activity to use repeatedly.
- The Saved Activities field in the New Activity screen allows you to choose from your configured options.
- You can set a default Saved Activity to autofill details if you mainly use Activities to track a specific type of task.
Import Manager
- You can now import Activities and Grants via the Import Manager.
- During the import manager flow, select which type of data you're importing to download customized spreadsheet templates.
Generosity Indicator
- You can now collapse or expand the Generosity Indicator section at the top of accounts, and this setting will be saved for each user.
A new user group permission, View Generosity Indicator Data, is now available.
- This permission will be disabled in any existing User Groups with the No Access to Donation Amount permission enabled. Any other custom User Groups will have this permission enabled by default.
Next Generation Events (available May 13th)
- Google Pay is now an available payment method.
- You can now copy Seat Maps.
- For clarity, public checkout wording has been updated from "Select Date" to "Get Tickets".
- Updated metadata sent to Neon Pay for ticket sales.
One-Click Workflows
- Auto-Renew Membership Credit Card Expiration Reminder: a new one-click workflow is now available to notify members if their membership won't be able to automatically renew due to their credit card being expired.
- Fixed an issue where Fund was not available as a search criterion or output column in the Grants Report.
- Fixed an issue where Non-Deductible Amount and Deductible Amount were visible to custom User Groups with the No Access to Donation Amount permission enabled.
- Fixed an issue where donation amounts in the Recent Transactions Widget were visible to custom User Groups with the No Access to Donation Amount permission enabled.
- Fixed an issue where Congressional Districts were not populated for accounts created via new forms with a valid zip code.
- Various behind-the-scenes bug fixes and performance enhancements.
- Various wording fixes and revisions.