Learn how to set up and edit membership settings to begin establishing memberships for your organization. Before you can create memberships for your organization, you must first establish the membership settings for all memberships. This step-by-step guide will help you edit your membership settings.
Important Note
After you set up and edit your membership settings, the next steps you must take before you can create memberships in Neon CRM are as follows: Set Membership Levels, Set Membership Terms, and Set Sub-Membership Levels & Terms. Refer to the Recommended Related Articles at the end of this article for more information on those topics.
Navigating to Membership Settings
To navigate to Membership Settings:
1. Select the Settings cog in the upper right corner and select Global Settings on the drop-down menu.
2. On the Global Settings page, select Settings under the Memberships heading (as seen in the zoomed-in image below).
This brings you to the Membership Settings page. This page contains a list of many sections, all of which allow you to set the parameters for memberships for your organization. Because the Membership Settings page is very long, the full page cannot be shown in this guide. This guide, then, will examine each section of the Membership Settings page individually from top to bottom. Each image below is zoomed-in to the section being examined.
Note: After you have completed all of your updates, select Save at the bottom of the page.
Automatic Start Date for New Membership
This section allows you to select the starting date for new memberships (the date a new member begins receiving membership benefits). As seen in the image below, you have two options:
- You may select the Fixed Date option to set all new memberships to start on the date you enter in the Start Date field. Additionally, if you select the Fixed Date option, you must select a Cutoff Date. This date is the "cutoff point" for new memberships for a given year, namely, if a new membership is created before the cutoff date you select, the new membership will apply to the current year. If the new membership is created after the cutoff date you select, the new membership will apply to the following year.
- You may select the Use date of transaction option to set the starting date of a membership to be the date on which a new member registers as a new member.
Automatic Start Date for Renewal Membership
This section allows you to select the starting date for renewal memberships. As seen in the image below, you have three options:
- You may select the Fixed Date option to set all renewal memberships to start on the date you enter in the Start Date field. Additionally, if you select the Fixed Date option, you must select a Cutoff Date. This date is the "cutoff point" for renewal memberships for a given year, namely, if a renewal membership is created before the cutoff date you select, the renewal membership will apply to the current year. If the renewal membership is created after the cutoff date you select, the renewal membership will apply to the following year.
The Use transaction date or previous renewal date, whichever is later option
sets the renewal date according to the following conditions:
- If a member renews their membership early, before their current membership expires, the start date for their renewal membership will be the day after their current membership expires.
- If a member renews their membership after their current membership expires, the start date for their renewal membership will be the date they renew their membership. This may cause a break in membership status (i.e. it will not ensure continuous membership status with your organization).
The Use previous renewal date option sets the
renewal date according to the following conditions:
- If a member renews their membership early, before their current membership expires, the start date for their renewal membership will be the day after their current membership expires.
- If a member renews their membership after their current membership expires, the start date for their renewal membership will backdate to be the day after their previous membership expired. This ensures the member has continuous membership, with no break in membership status.
Automatic Adjustment for End Date
This section allows you to determine the automatic scheduling of the expiration date of a membership. As seen in the image below, you have two options:
- If you select None, the end date of a membership will be determined by the membership's start date and subsequent term duration. For example, if a membership is a six-month membership, the end date of the membership will occur exactly six months after the membership start date.
- If you select Last day of the month, the end date of a membership will be determined by the membership's start date and subsequent term duration, plus extending the membership to the last day of the month. For example, if a membership is a six-month membership that starts on January 6, rather than expiring exactly six months later on July 6, the membership end date will be extended to the last day of July.
Automatic Calculation for Membership Change
In this section, you can decide how the CRM can track if members have upgraded or downgraded their membership. This setting determines how Neon CRM identifies what is considered an upgrade or downgrade: either by the cost, or dollar amount, of a membership or the membership rank (as set up in each Membership Level setting). Note: Membership Rank is an optional setting you can establish when setting up the Membership Levels for your organization's memberships. Refer to the Setting Membership Levels guide at the end of this article.
Membership Grace Period
In this section, you can determine the number of days in the grace period offered to expired members to renew their membership. In the two radio button options, you can apply this grace period in either of the following ways:
- The first radio button option uses the grace period as a way to determine how long an expired member has after their membership has expired to renew their membership at renewal pricing rather than rejoining again at the new membership price. If the member renews their membership after the grace period, their membership will be considered a Rejoin membership in the CRM rather than a new Join membership.
- The second radio button option uses the grace period as a way to determine how many days a member is still considered "active" and eligible for member benefits (such as event pricing, discounts, and more) after their membership has expired.
Primary Members Renewal
If this feature is turned on, the CRM will prompt constituents who are renewing their membership to also renew all sub-members on their membership, if applicable.
If this setting is turned off, a prompt will not display, and the constituent must manually renew all sub-members.
More information on sub-members and group memberships is available in our Household Group Memberships and Company Group Memberships guides. Refer to these guides at the end of this article.
Membership on Accounts
In this section, you may choose to have a constituent's membership information display on the About tab page of a constituent's account.
Membership Directories: Opt Out Members by Default
In this section, you can enable this setting if you do not want members to automatically appear in membership directories. A membership directory displays member data in a searchable directory format. This directory can be made available to logged-in members or can be can be made visible to the public. If you toggle this option on, members will not be automatically added to this directory. If a member then wishes to appear in this directory, they must opt in by logging into their Constituent Login Portal and update their Membership Directory Profile.
Please note: When this feature is updated in Membership Settings, a record of the update will appear per the red box below.
Membership Upgrade
In this section, you can enable the option to add the ability for members to upgrade to a different membership level for the remainder of their current membership term by paying the difference in cost between the new membership and old membership.
Donation Form (Legacy)
In this section, if your organization is using a legacy membership form, you have the option to allow joining members to make an additional donation to your organization while completing the form.
Membership Status Message (Legacy)
In this section, you can enable a message to appear to constituents when they log in to the constituent portal (legacy version). It displays information about their current membership term.
After you have completed all of your updates, select Save at the bottom of the page.
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