Learn how to add a new individual membership in this step-by-step guide. Constituents can create an individual membership themselves by completing a membership form. System admins can also manually add a new individual membership. This help guide will cover how to manually add a new individual membership as a system admin.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Please note:
- This process assumes that all applicable Membership Settings, Levels, and Terms have already been set for your organization. These items must be completed before you can add a membership. Refer to the recommended articles above for more information.
- The following guide outlines the process for adding a new individual membership, not a renewal or rejoin membership.
There are two ways this process may begin: 1) situations in which the constituent to whom you are adding a membership has an existing account in the CRM, and 2) situations in which the constituent to whom you are adding a membership does not have an existing account in the CRM. Both options are explained below.
Option 1 - The constituent you are adding has an existing account in the CRM
1. Search for the constituent for whom you wish to add a membership in the Search field at the top of the page.
2. Select the constituent in the drop-down list that appears.
3. On the constituent's account page, select Memberships in the menu on the left side of the page.
4. Select New Membership.
Continue to Step 5 below.
Option 2 - The constituent you are adding does NOT have an existing account in the CRM
1. Select the Quick Add icon in the upper right corner of the page.
2. Select New Individual Member on the drop-down menu.
On the New Individual Member pop-up that appears:
3. Enter the new member's First Name and Last Name. The remaining fields are optional.
4. Select Create Account & Continue.
Continue to Step 5 below.
Whether you followed Option 1 or Option 2, you are now at the same point in the process - on the Membership: Create page, as seen below.
For the next few steps, let's zoom in to the above image to better see the steps you must take.
5. Select the applicable Membership Term in the Membership Term drop-down field.
The Membership Level, Term Fee, and Term Duration fields will automatically populate based on the membership term selected. The selections in these fields are the terms set before you begin this process when you set up the membership terms for your organization. You may alter the values in these fields on this page, as needed. (Note: If you alter the values in the fields on this page, it does NOT alter the membership term settings set in Global Settings; it only alters the settings for this constituent.)
6. Enter a Term Start Date, then select Calculate. This will automatically calculate the Term End Date per the terms set in the global settings membership term. You may adjust the Term End Date for this constituent, if needed.
7. Adjust the Non-Deductible Amount, as needed, and then select Add Membership.
The Summary page now appears.
At the top of the Summary page (per the zoomed-in image below):
8. You may send a transaction acknowledgement by email and/or letter (depending upon the information you have for the constituent). Select the applicable checkbox next to Email and/or Mail Merge. This step is optional.
At the bottom of the Summary page (per the zoomed-in image below):
9. Enter the payment information the constituent provided to pay for the membership. In the image below, the constituent has paid by Check. Once you have entered the payment information, select Save Payment (if the constituent pays by Credit Card, this button will say Submit Payment).
The Membership summary page now appears and the membership has been created (as seen in the image below).
If you wish, to view the membership in the constituent's account:
a. Select the constituent's name on the Membership page.
b. Select Memberships in the left side menu.
You can now see the new membership on the constituent's account.