Learn how to run reports to locate the member, team, or donor IDs in this step-by-step guide. This help guide will demonstrate how to run reports to locate the member, team, or donor IDs that you need to enter in one of the CSV templates for uploading records in bulk: the upload donations sample template, the upload registrants sample template or the bulk edit registrants sample template.
For example, on the upload donations sample template, you need to enter the appropriate IDs to give credit to the donor, member, or team goal that should get credit for the donation. Instead of looking up IDs for donors, members, and teams for your upload one-by-one, it’s easiest to have a few reports on hand with all of the IDs you will need for your upload.
Note: You must first add your fundraisers, donors and teams to the campaign to create their member IDs.
Running Reports to Locate IDs
- On the Campaign Dashboard, select the campaign name from the list.
- From the campaign page, select the Reports tab.
3. Reports needed for uploads are listed at the bottom in the Users section
- Registrants with Reg Fields, Donation, and Contacts Summary report contains member IDs
- Teams with Summary report contains team IDs
- Donors (verified donations) report contains donor IDs
4. Double click the report. It is recommended to click Run CSV Download to easily copy the IDs from the column that is needed.
5. Copy the IDs needed from the report CSV download and paste them in the upload sample template.
For example, add the member IDs from the Registrants with Reg Fields, Donation, and Contacts Summary report to the Donation to Member ID column in the upload donations sample template. Remember, if the Donation Type column is listed “general”, you can leave the ID fields blank.