Learn how to create a summary report in this step-by-step guide. This help guide will cover how to create a summary report in Neon CCM.
Create a Summary Report
- To access the reporting tool, select the Reports section on the top navigation bar.
- Select Create New Report.
- The CCM Reporting Tool opens to the first of four steps. The first step to building your report will be to select the sections you would like to report upon within your database. You may select these sections on the left-hand side of the page. Once you have selected the section that you would like to report upon, you must determine if you would like this to be a “Data” or “Summary” report.
A Summary search is going to provide you with a sum of records. With a summary search there will be a column in the results with a count of the fields you are reporting upon.
To see PDF instructions on navigating this step, select the Step 1 Guide hyperlink.
For this example, I will select from the Youth tab. Select the child records you would like to be displayed in the report. Here, we will select the Summary button next to comments. When finished, select Select Fields on the top or bottom of the page.
- The second step to building your report is to select the fields you would like to report upon. Fields within your database are the individual data points that information is housed within such as a name, address, date of birth, etc. In order to include a field on your report, double click the field on the left-hand side of the page or you can type in the search for fields box and press the ‘Add Selected’ button. Once a field is added to the report, a green star will appear next to it and it will populate on the right-hand side. The selected fields will make up the columns of your report. Once a field is added to the report, a green star will appear next to it and it will populate on the right-hand side. You may re-order the field included on your report by selecting, dragging, and dropping the plus sign icon to the left of each field. To change the name of the field on the report, please double click the text of the field, and you may edit it to appear as you wish. The Icons on the left of the field name represents how the data will be displayed on your report.
Text Box | Number | ||
Dropdown List | Phone Number | ||
Date | Checkbox | ||
Email Address | Link |
To see PDF instructions on navigating this step, select the Step 2 Guide hyperlink.
When finished, select Select Filters on the top or bottom of the page.
Note: There is an option here to Define Summarized Field. Here you have an option to create a filter within a filter. Selecting this option will display the information below.
- The third step of building your report will be to add any applicable filters that you are attempting to report upon. Filtering a report allows you to hone in on specific information, or weed out information that you don’t need in your report. In order to add filters to your report, you will double click on the field you wish to filter upon on the left-hand side of the screen. For this example, I will add a filter that only displays communication counts greater than 0.
Once you have added the filter, you may set it to the parameters of the data you would like to hone in on.
Additionally, dynamic filters are useful when you have a report that you need to run continually, such as weekly or monthly. If you need to run the same report every month that asks for this month’s results, using a dynamic filter saves you from having to edit the date range every time you run the report.
To see PDF instructions on navigating this step, select the Step 3 Guide hyperlink.
When finished, select View Results on the top or bottom of the page.
- Here you can view the results from your report. You can change the view of this data by selecting an option from the View Data as dropdown menu. If you would like to make changes, simply select the steps from the top that you would like to change. When finished, you can choose to Save or Export this report. Selecting the ellipses at the end of each row will direct you to any relevant records associated with this report information. In this example, you can see that everything I selected in the Select Fields step is made into a column on the report.
Note: If you do not save this report, it will be stored in the unsaved subsection.