Please note that the Next Generation Events feature is only available to organizations with Neon CRM Impact or Empower packages AND Neon Pay as the payment processor.
Contact us at to discuss your current package and/or switching to Neon Pay.
Learn how to enable the events holds feature in this step-by-step guide. This guide will cover how to add holds on tickets for general admission seating, online, and assigned seating events in Neon CRM.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Adding Holds for Tickets to General Admission Seating and Online Events
Adding Holds for Tickets to Assigned Seating Events
Releasing Tickets Placed on Hold
In the Events module, you may add a hold on tickets for any event with a set capacity or seat map. Once you place tickets on hold, the affected tickets will not be available for purchase by the general public but you, as an administrator, can still sell them from the Sales & Check-in screen. You may release the hold at any time. Once the tickets are released from hold, they may then be purchased at any time by the general public.
Adding Holds for Tickets to General Admission Seating and Online Events
Note: Events with no set capacity cannot have holds since they have an unlimited number of tickets.
To add holds for tickets to general admission seating and online events:
1. Select Events in the navigation menu and then select Events in the drop-down menu.
2. Select your event on the Events page.
3. Select Holds in the left menu.
4. Select Add Holds.
The Add Holds drawer appears.
5. In the Occurrence drop-down menu, choose the specific occurrence for which you want to place a hold. Alternatively, selecting All will apply holds to all occurrences of the event.
6. Select Next.
7. In the Number of Holds field, enter the number of tickets you would like to place on hold for the selected occurrence(s). Then, select Save.
On the Holds page, you will see all of the active holds for the applicable occurrence(s) of the event.
Editing Holds for General Admission Seating and Online Events
Note: If you wish to adjust the number of tickets on hold for a specific occurrence after you add a hold, select the Action Menu (the three dots) next to the occurrence and then select Edit Hold on the drop-down menu. You may then adjust the number of holds on the pop-up that appears. If you decrease the number of tickets on hold, the newly released tickets will become available for purchase by the public, and if you have the Notify Me waitlist feature enabled, the constituents on the applicable waitlist will be notified of the tickets now available for purchase.
Adding Holds for Tickets to Assigned Seating Events
To add holds for tickets to assigned seating events:
1. Select Events in the navigation menu and then select Events in the drop-down menu.
2. Select your event on the Events page.
3. Select Holds in the left menu.
4. Select Add Holds.
The Add Holds drawer appears.
5. In the Occurrence drop-down menu, choose the specific occurrence for which you want to place a hold. Alternatively, selecting All will apply holds to all occurrences of the event.
6. Select Next.
The venue's seat map appears.
7. Select the seat(s) on which you wish to place a hold.
(Note: Click on a row letter/number to select the entire row. Click on a section name to select all seats within it. Use the Multiple Select tool ( ) in the left menu to drag the cursor and select larger groups of seats.)
Once you select a seat, notice it is outlined in blue.
8. Once all the intended seats have been selected, select the plus sign ( + ) in the circle in the General Holds box in the left menu.
The number of seats on hold now appears in the General Holds box, and the seats on hold are outlined in thick green on the seat map.
9. Select Save in the upper right corner.
On the Holds page, you will see all of the active holds for the applicable occurrence(s) of the event.
Editing Holds for Assigned Seating Events
Note: If you wish to adjust the number of seats on hold for a specific occurrence, select the Action Menu (the three dots) next to the occurrence and then select Edit Hold on the drop-down menu. The seat map will appear, and you may then adjust the seats you wish to place on hold as needed. If you decrease the number of seats on hold, the newly released tickets will become available for purchase by the public, or if you have the Notify Me waitlist feature enabled, the constituents on the applicable waitlist will be notified of the tickets now available for purchase.
Releasing Tickets Placed on Hold
Note: The following process applies to tickets for all events types - general admission seating, online, and assigned seating. This process releases all tickets placed on hold for the affected event occurrence. If you wish to release only a partial number of tickets, see the Editing Holds note at the end of the applicable ticket type section(s) above.
To release all tickets placed on hold for an event occurrence:
1. Select Events in the navigation menu and then select Events in the drop-down menu.
2. Select your event on the Events page.
3. Select Holds in the left menu.
4. On the Holds page, select the three dot ellipsis next to the applicable occurrence and then select Release All Holds in the drop-down menu.
5. Select Release Holds on the confirmation pop-up.
Repeat steps 4-5 for each occurrence on which you wish to release all holds.