Learn how to run a report on pledges and their credits for a campaign. This help guide will demonstrate how to run a report on pledges and their credits in Neon Fundraise.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Both transaction and donation reports show information about pledges and credits because the process of running these reports are similar. We will, however, be focusing on donation reports for this guide.
Reporting on Pledges
- Starting from the dashboard of the campaign, select Reports.
- Select Donation Report from the donation category.
- Under the Donation Types dropdown arrow, select Pledges. If you would like, you can add additional filter parameters.
Note: you will have to deselect Donations and Sponsorship.
- Select Run Report.
- From here, we can filter the report. For example, if we only wanted to see pledges that have been fulfilled and credited, we can select the dropdown arrow to the right side of the column labeled Fulfilled and select Yes.