Arts People's Mobile Friendly public pages have been refreshed.
This update was released on 02/01/2023.
If you have mobile-friendly public pages activated on your account (Setup > Global Settings > Miscellaneous > Use mobile-friendly public pages > Save), your patrons will now have a refreshed experience with the release of our updated mobile pages.
Please Note: This article is not a full listing of all the enhancements made.
What has changed?
Mobile-friendly pages were reworked to make them easier to navigate across mobile devices. We've added some requested features to the pages, and the checkout screen was updated to have clear buttons for an improved user experience.
Main Ticketing Page: We heard you. The Buy Tickets button has been added to shows in the updated mobile-friendly ticketing page. There is a new horizontal layout that allows more than one show to be viewable on larger tablet screens. Additionally, embedded links now will appear in your show descriptions as well. Your logo and any headers that you may have on the main ticketing page now appear on the mobile-friendly version of your ticketing page.
Pass Page: The pass page has a clear listing of the passes and a click-to-order screen with a much-improved Add to Cart button, along with clear pricing and quantity boxes.
Retail: The retail page has the same layout changes, and adds new larger images of retail items. Gift Certificates, if offered, now appear below the retail items.
Donation: The new donation pages have been updated to be less cluttered and easier to navigate. The ability to select between one-time and recurring donations is more clear, and you'll enjoy a clean interface with better spacing.
Subscription: The subscription page now has a cleaner more user-friendly look.
Enrollment: Your classes just got their own mobile-friendly public page. It is modeled after the main ticketing page and will display all your classes with a larger format image and Enroll button.