For organizations configured with an org-level payment processor and billing, it is possible to move recurring donation plans from a recipient on one campaign to a recipient on another campaign. Please note that when a plan is transferred, what actually happens is that it is ended on the original campaign, then a new recurring plan which inherits its settings and details is created on the new campaign.
If your campaigns are configured with an org processor, follow the steps outlined below to move donations across campaigns.
- Start from the Transactions > Recurring Donations grid in the campaign from which to move the donations
- Select all the recurring plans that you wish to move
- Click the "Mass Action" button above the grid
- Click "Change Recipient"
- In the ensuing popup, click "Edit" next to the Recipient field
- Search for a recipient
- The search will only return results from campaigns which share the same processor through which the donation was processed
- Recipients can be fundraisers, teams, and campaigns
- Click "Done"