Learn how to add existing constituents to a volunteer project step-by-step guide. There is a step you must take before you can add constituents. This help guide will cover how to add existing constituents to a volunteer opportunity.
Adding Existing Constituents to a Volunteer Opportunity
Adding Existing Constituents to a Volunteer Opportunity
For this example, you already have some volunteers who have verbally committed to an existing volunteer opportunity. Now you need to add them to the opportunity within Neon CRM.
1. At the Mission Control Dashboard, navigate to Volunteer and select Opportunities.
2. Select the opportunity name to see the opportunity details.
3. In this instance, we have existing constituents to add as volunteers to the opportunity. Select the Add button. You can create a live report, search accounts, or add a system user to add constituents as volunteers for this opportunity.
4. Complete Based on Name/Email/Account ID field by entering information about the constituent. Select Search Accounts.
5. Select the constituents you want to add. Then select Add to Project.
6. The names you selected will be added to the volunteer project details page.
Note: You can also enter a volunteer timesheet, make a volunteer inactive, or delete a volunteer on this page.
7. To assign system users to volunteer, select Assign System Users. Select from the list of system users that appear.