Learn how to add and edit a live report source in this step-by-step guide. This help guide will cover how to add and edit a live report.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Adding a Live Report Source
Note: You must create an audience before you can send an email campaign.
1. At the Mission Control Dashboard, navigate to Emails and select Email Audiences.
2. Select the name link of the audience you would like to use.
3. In the Audience Sources section, select Add then Email Address Import from the dropdown menu.
4. Choose the type of report you would like to use. You may use an email audience report, a new report, or a saved report. For this example, we will use an Email Audience Report. When that is highlighted, select Continue.
5. All report criteria are listed on the page. You can select Edit Criteria to change criteria as needed. This report will pull email addresses from accounts for constituents who are not deceased, not listed as “Do Not Contact”, and are not opting out of emails. No criteria is being changed in this example.
Note: There is search criteria automatically included in an email audience report in case you need to edit them.
6. View the output section to see the account information that will be included in the report. The output columns show how the account information will be displayed but do not impact what has been included in the campaign email. In this case, you will be able to see details from a consistent account.
7. To get results, select Run Report.
8. Select Save Emails List. to save the changes.
9. Emails from the report are now added to the audience.
Editing an Audience
Now you are ready to create an email campaign for the audience you just added. You may find that an audience created from a live report is not the best group for a campaign. The audience does not have to be recreated, but it can be revised.
1. To edit an audience, navigate to Emails and select Email Audiences.
2. Select the name link of the audience you would like to use.
3. Find the Audience Source section and find the life report source you would like to edit. The Edit Live Report icon.
4. You may edit criteria and output columns. Select Edit Criteria.
5. There are four criteria in this report. This report will pull email addresses from accounts for constituents who are not deceased, not listed as “Do Not Contact”, and are not opting out of emails. We will edit this campaign so it will include members who volunteer in a specific event. All criteria are listed under one group. Select Add Criterion.
6. Select Volunteer. Then select, Assigned Projects from the first drop down menu. From the second dropdown, select Equal. Select the event name for the third dropdown. When finished, select Load Criteria.
7. Select Edit Columns.
8. All the columns that can be added to the report are displayed in the Available Columns section. All the report columns that are listed in the report are in the Selected Columns section. A new column can be added by selecting the column name on the left and selecting the right arrowhead button.
9. Columns can be removed from the report selecting the column name and the left arrowhead button.
10. To save changes, select Select Columns.
11. Select Run Report.
12. All the information that was selected for column output is displayed on the results page. Select Save Email List.
13. The live report has been edited and revised.