Please note: This feature is only available for Neon CRM instances created before June 29, 2024. If you are interested in adding Peer-to-Peer functionality to your suite of Neon One tools, email the Client Account Manager team at to explore whether Neon Fundraise may be a good fit for your organization.
Learn how to campaign team for a peer-to-peer campaign in this step-by-step guide.. This help guide will cover how to create a peer-to-peer campaign team.
Recommended Reading Before You Start
Creating a Peer-to-Peer Campaign Team
With peer-to-peer fundraising you may create fundraising teams led by an individual fundraiser.
Creating a Peer-to-Peer Campaign Team
1. Navigate to Fundraising and select Peer-to-Peer Fundraising.
2. This will take you to the Peer-to-Peer page where you can view all the peer-to-peer Campaigns for your organization. Select the name of the campaign you would like to create a team for.
3. This will take you to the campaign detail page. Under Fundraisers, you will see the list of fundraisers for this campaign. To create a team for the individual fundraiser, select Detail under the Fundraising Page column.
4. Under Fundraiser Campaign Profile you will see the Fundraising Team. As it is, there is currently no team associated with this fundraiser. Select Change.
5. A drop down menu will appear. Select Change a new team.
6. This confirmation message will appear. Select OK.
7. The team has been created. We not need to add individuals to this team. Select View Peer-to-Peer Campaign Details.
8. On this page you will see a new section for the Fundraiser Team.
9. If you have not added other fundraisers to this campaign, you must first complete that step before continuing. Select Add Fundraisers and find an individual account you would like to add to this campaign.
10. Once you have the other individual accounts added, select Detail under the fundraiser you would like to add to the team.
11. Select Change under Fundraising Team.
12. In the dropdown select the team you would like to add this account to.
13. This confirmation message will appear. Select OK.
14. Select View Peer-to-Peer Campaign Details.
15. Select Details under Fundraising Teams.
16. Select View under Team Page.
17. A new tab will appear that will display the team page. You will see the individual fundraisers that were added to this team.
18. You can add more fundraisers using this process.