Learn how to use search groups when running reports in this step-by-step guide. There are steps you must take before completing this process. This help guide will cover how to use search groups when running reports.
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Using Search Groups in a Report
Using Search Groups in a Report
For this example, you need to obtain a list of Event Sponsors. The sponsors can be either Individuals or Companies. If a company, that company may also have the additional criteria of company type of Nonprofit Partner. To accomplish this search to include all of these parameters, you will need to utilize search groups. Let’s complete this example search to demonstrate how to use search groups in a report.
1. On the CRM Dashboard, select Reports in the navigation menu and then select New Report in the drop-down menu.
2. For this example, select Communication and Mailing in the New Report pop-up.
3. Select All Accounts Report and then select the Create Report button.
4. Select Edit Criteria.
5. For the search field, select Individual Type in the basic field group. For the operator, select Equal. Select Event Sponsor in the value field. The first search group is now added. Let's add the second search group for the company account type. Select Add Search Group.
6. For the search field, select Company Type in the basic field group. For the operator, select In Range Of. Select Event Sponsor and Nonprofit Partner in the value field. Select Load Criteria.
7. Select Run Report.
In the report results, you will see the list of Event Sponsors with a mix of individual and company account types, including companies with the additional company type of Nonprofit Partner.
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